Chapter 14

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the Next day everyone was fired up and ready for the games excitedly. Both teams were fired up and ready to take on the challenges.

"do us a favor. don't go running off" Laxus said.

Artimis looked over at Laxus. "contrary to believe I am not going to disobey orders from the guild master" she said with a tone of finality as she remembered her conversation this morning with the master.

~"artimis I don't want you getting out of eyesight of any of your teammates. and if you are not with your teammates then another person from our guild. at least if you are attacked again you will have someone there to help you" Makarov said. "as a matter of fact, I am making this an order. do not go off alone" he said.

Artimis gave a nod. "I won't. I promise" she said with a promising tone in her voice.~

Artimis gave a shiver. *not a chance in hades! Back at home punishments were horrible...I don't want to find out what would happen if I got in trouble here* she thought to her self before directing her attention to the front of her, down at the stadium.

She sighed. "I think I'll try my luck again," she said before backflipping off the rail and jumped down into the arena and stood beside Erza who had just come out into view.

"Hey! what the hell!" She heard Laxus exclaim as she purposely fell.

"Are you sure that you are up for this?" Erza asked looking over at Artimis startled.

"I have to make up for what happened," Artimis said firmly refusing to look at Erza. "i cannot call my self a Crimson Ice Angel or a member of Fairytail if all i do is disgrace my self or my team" she explained.

Erza looked at her questioningly. "What are you talking about? you haven't disgraced anyone" She asked alarmed by the tone in Artimis's voice.

Artimis looked away. " me on this" she whispered.

Erza gave a nod and smiled as the pulls the sticks revealing their numbers.

Erza smiled as she got the number one.

"I guess that means you go first?" Artimis asked.

Erza nods and smirked. "Inside this castle wait 100 monsters. I choose to challenge....all of them" Erza declared. Everyone stared at her in shock and amazement as she walked on into the castle.

"holey crap is she crazy!" Artimis mumbled as they all turned their attention to the lacrima screens.

Everyone was amazed as Erza took down the monsters.

"Holy crap! She's almost as good as my leader!" Aritimis gasped out in surprise as she stood up straight as erza took down several monsters at once on her first attack.

Erza equipped into a different outfit throughout the entire fight. she was now up against the S class monster.

Erza seemed to be struggling a little bit, however, in the end, she defeats the last gaining 100points for her team. Fairy tail and everyone in the area roared out their cheers.

Artimis stood there staring in shock. Her jaw was dropped. "Oh my God!" She whispered in amazement as the castle disappeared and all that was left was Erza standing there with just her sword.

"Sorry, it took so long!" Erza said out of breath.

"TOOK SO LONG!!!" Artimis exclaimed. *that's what she was worried about?* She thought to her self as team A tackled Erza into a hug.

The remaining teams were Told to stay on the field as some sort of machine appeared on the field.

"what's this?" someone asked.

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