Chapter 2

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Our favorite team of individuals was on their way home from a tiresome job. everyone was tired and hungry as they walked on. They finally came to a stop needing to rest.

"ugh, I need food" the pink-haired man groaned.

"we get it natsu!" the blueish black haired man spoke up in annoyance

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"we get it natsu!" the blueish black haired man spoke up in annoyance.

"shut up ice breath!" The pink haired man, Natsu, growled out

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"shut up ice breath!" The pink haired man, Natsu, growled out.

"why don't you make me the flame ball" The darker male spoke up.

"that's enough!" a redheaded woman spoke up.

"Natsu Grey fighting isn't going to get us anywhere or stop our hunger," she said angrily

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"Natsu Grey fighting isn't going to get us anywhere or stop our hunger," she said angrily.

a shriek came from their blond-haired companion.

a shriek came from their blond-haired companion

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everyone turned quickly in a fighting stance.

"what is it?" The redhead asked.

"there's a...girl" the blond replied as her teammates came over and saw a black haired girl laying on the ground looking as if she had come out of a fight.

"Whoa! who is she?" grey asked.

"Grey your clothes" The blond spoke up.

"ahh!" grey exclaimed as he looked down to find his clothes were missing. he looked around and pulled his clothes on.

"lets set up camp. it is getting dark" The redhead spoke up.

"aye!" everyone spoke up at once before they set out to make their camp.

the sun fell as they finished setting up their camp.

"I wonder how she got to be this way," the blond haired girl said.

"what is she doing out here alone?" Grey asked.

"look she's waking up!" the blue cat exclaimed.

The female slowly opened her eyes feeling as though she was hit by a train

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The female slowly opened her eyes feeling as though she was hit by a train. She groaned and forced her self to sit up and look around.

"who the hell are you?" she asked quickly.

"no need to be alarmed. My name is Erza" the redhead spoke up.

"and this is Natsu, Lucy, grey and Happy. we were headed back home when we found you" Erza introduced them all one by one.

"Artimis." The female said with a slight nod of the head seeing that her wounds were bandaged up. "thank you for the help...but I really should be going" Artimis said trying to get up. She was shaking horribly.

"where are you headed?" the blond, lucy, asked.

"you probably shouldn't be on your own" grey spoke up.

"I am grateful that you helped me...but I have to get to Fairy tail," Artimis said. "here." she pulled her backpack off her back and opened it. she pulled out some food and handed it over. "it is all I can do" she said.

"fairy tale? we are headed that way" Erza spoke up ignoring Natsuu grey, and happy's drooling at seeing the food

Artimis looked at Erza. it was then she noticed the emblem on the pink-haired man's upper arm. "you are from Fairy Tail?" she asked.

"Yes, we are," Erza said.

"i need to talk to whos ever in charge," Artimis said quickly.

"you can join us on our journey back if you want,", Erza said.

"i wouldn't want to impose," Artimis said looking away.

"you are not at all imposing" Erza said.

Artimis sighed a bit and sat back down.

"so...if you don't mind me asking...why are you looking for fairy tail anyway?" Lucy asked.

Artimis looked down. "i have no one. everyone has either left me or are not in the....position to help me. my brother sent me. he said i would be able to start over. he had come across some members a while back. I guess he thought it would be good for me" Artimis said with a shrug as she curled up wrapping her arms around her legs as she pulled them up to her chest.

"i think you will find Fairy tail has a lot to offer, Erza said.

"alright! we have a new guild member!' Natsu exclaimed.

"hold your cheers. we still have to make it back home first" Grey said with a scowl.

Artimis looked down at the fire. *i hope so* she thought to her self.

"Alright everyone come on. we should make it to the guild hall by lunchtime if we wake up early enough. let's get some sleep." erza said getting up and walking over to a tent.

everyone made their way to their beds.

Artimis staid curled up by the fire and fell asleep on the hard ground.

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