Chapter 17

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Artimis groaned as she blinked her self awake. looking around she found that she was in a bed. She forced her self to sit up. she could vaguely remember what happened. though she was unconscious for the most part. she now knew what eclipse was and why they were wanting to use it.

She looked out the window that wasn't that far away from the bed that she was in. throwing the covers off her self she stood up. *i have to get Lucy out of there!* she thought determinedly as she walked over to her bag.

she pulled out a pair of clothes and got dressed.

She looked at her self in the mirror and smoothed her hair back putting it up into a ponytail before walking out of the room

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She looked at her self in the mirror and smoothed her hair back putting it up into a ponytail before walking out of the room. She made her way down into the main area of the Inn but didn't see anyone from the guild.

*left me alone again...that's fine* she thought to her self. *it will make this easier* she thought as she walked out of the Inn and made her way towards the castle.

*I'm coming to Lucy* she thought as she ran across the building roofs towards her destination. She could hear the excitement coming from the stands.

*how long was i asleep?* she wondered to her self remembering that the guilds were supposed to have had a day off.

Artimis slid down a building roof and stood in front of the gates of the castle.

"Hey! who goes there?" one of the guards called. Artimis looked over and then scowled seeing the guards running over.

She disappeared into the shadows as the guards past her looking for the intruder. Artimis smirked and snuck into the palace looking around. *Natsu?* she wondered as she smelled his scent. *what is he doing here?* she wondered as she walked into the palace keeping to the shadows. as she walked through she staid alert. that was...until she found Lucy, Natsu, Mirajane, Wendy and the cats in a Dark area.

"what the hell?" Artimis exclaimed seeing two Lucy's. she quickly jumped forward as the second Lucy fell unconscious.

Natsu picked her up. "well let's go," he said as he began walking again.

"artimis.what are you doing?" Mirajane asked.

Artimis scowled. "I came to get Lucy," she said crossing her arms. *something feels off* she thought to her self as she leads the group out the way that she had come. "we need to go. we have to stop them" She said looking over to the group.

They all turned and looked over at her questioningly. "what are you going on about?" Natsu asked.

Artimis started to reply however she stopped her self. "so this Lucy is from the future?" she asked.

"Yup. seems like it" Mirajane replied as they continued walking.

"Hi, loke!" Artimis said as if suddenly realizing that he was there.

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