Chapter 7

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A week past since Artimis Joined Fairy tail. They were currently in a hotel for the grand magic games. According to what Artimis found out from the gang. Fairy tail used to be the top guild in all of Fiore but after their disappearance a couple of years ago the guild lost its reputation and the reason for going to the games was to get their title as number one back.

Artimis decided to cave and accepted the guild masters offer in participating in the games. She was quite excited about it, as was the master. No one in the guild had yet to see Artimis use her powers, Not even the group that she had gone on missions with. She used her street smarts to get the jobs done, however, in the games, it was going to be quite difficult to not use her magic.

"I can't wait! this is going to be awesome!" Lucy exclaimed sitting next to Artimis at a table in the tavern part of the hotel.

"I have to admit I am a little excited about it myself," Artimis said.

"yeah!! we are finally going to get to see you use your magic!" Natsu said.

Artimis sighed and scowled. "no one has seen my magic for a reason Natsu," she said.

"Yeah, she is our secret weapon. no one knows what she can do" Gray said with a grin.

Artimis looked over at Gray only to see that he was in his underwear again. she quickly looked away red. Juvia was off to the side fuming.

"who does that little hussie think she is checking out MY Gray like that! as if he would ever be interested in her. not when he has me!" Juvia fumed angrily and then suddenly began fantasizing again.

Everyone looked up when Erza walked up to them. "we should all get some rest. we have a long day ahead of us" she said standing there with a hand on her hip.

Artimis stood up. "'re right I need to take a bath anyway," she said running a hand through her hair. She said her good nights and walked up to her room.

"I hope they don't cause too much of a ruckus," she said with a yawn as she walked into her hotel room and into the bathroom. she got in and took a quick shower before she headed off to bed.


standing outside of a very huge building Artimis stood there staring up at the building that was on fire. People around her were running around frightened and fighting for their lives as large creatures flew around above them destroying the place.

Natsu darted passed her charging up his fists with flames as he ran towards the flying creature.

Artimis only stood there frozen in fear as she watched the fight play out. Lucy was on the ground staring after Natsu with Tears streaming down her face. Artimis could see her lips moving but no sound came. the entire place was completely silent as the building collapsed.

Artimis quickly looked up and saw that the debris was coming down right above her. there was no time for her to move even if she wasn't frozen in place. she stared eyes wide in fear as the building fell down~

Artimis jerked awake just as she was about to be hit by the debris from the collapsing building. she sat up gasping for air, terrified by the dream that she had just had. she looked around quickly and saw that she was still in the hotel room.

"oh my god," she whispered throwing the blankets off of her.

She got up and got dressed quickly before going downstairs unable to get her mind off of the terrible dream that she had.

Artimis was walking down the stairs when she bumped into someone.

"ahh," she exclaimed as she felt her self falling. her eyes closed anticipating the fall, however, impact never came. slowly she looked up realizing someone had stopped her from falling. as she looked up she realized that it was Laxus that had caught her.

"I'm sorry!" Artimis squeaked jumping back as he let go of her.

"watch where you are going," Laxus said with a nonchalant attitude.

Artimis looked down a bit and sighed. "I said I was sorry geeze," she said crossing her arms.

"tch," Laxus turned and began to walk away.

"God, what an ass," Artimis said under her breath. Laxus suddenly turned back around.

"what did you say?" he growled out.

"I SAID YOU ARE AN ASS!" artimis snapped looking up at him as her hands go to her side forcefully. she stormed down the stairs pushing past him and went into the tavern part where she saw a few people were there already up and staring in her direction. no doubt they had heard her calling Laxus an ass. Artimis groaned internally and sat down at a table alone.

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