Chapter 28

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Artimis slid down off Mathias's back. "Thank you," she said looking up at him gratefully. They were currently in a place filled with snow and ice. the temperature was below freezing. Mathias looked down at her. 

"I have gone against my human for you child. I hope what you are planning will not bring regret" Mathias spoke. 

Artimis flinches and nods with a sigh. "I hope not as well. I will take full responsibility should this go wrong" She replied as she turned her back to him and looked at the thick ice that stood in front of her. She could see the woman who was inside. it looked as if she was asleep. 

Artimis walked up to the woman and placed her hands on the ice. "i need fire" she whispered and looked back at Mathias. "can you thaw her?" she asked. 

"I could," Mathias replied watching her. "It's one thing to bring you this far, but to release her as well," he started to say. 

"Please, Mathias! I need her help. I know what she has done. It was just a misunderstanding. If the gods want to punish someone...They can punish me!" Artimis pleaded to look up at him with a look of desperation. 

Mathias sighed with a look of defeat. "move child" he said shifting on his feet. Artimis quickly moved away from the iced barrier that was holding Ice. 

Mathias let out a large breath that melted the thick ice surrounding the woman. Artimis watched anxiously. the remaining ice cracked and fell to the ground. Artimis ran forward and caught Ice quickly before she hit the ground. 

She pulled ice over to Mathias who gave them a boost up onto his back. 

Artimis held onto ice tightly as Mathias took off and flew back to the palace. Artimis fought her self to stop from biting her tongue as her teeth chattered. Her legs and arms had already gone numb, she was sure the rest of her body has as well. 

She was ever so thankful when Mathias landed back into his room. Mathias laid down letting Artimis slide down off him. She flinched when she landed on the ground. her body began tingling. the pain was shooting through her body.

She looked up about to reach for Ice, however, she froze as she caught a glimpse of something...someone. She looked over and saw Scorpius standing there with a look of pure fury in his eyes. 

"Artimis!" Wendy ran forward. Artimis cried out as pain shot through her again and she fell to the ground. 

"Artimis!" She heard them all call out. When she looked up Scorpius was beside her along with laxus. 

"She's freezing!" happy cried out after placing a paw on her. 

"her body had gone numb 10 minutes into our flight" Mathias spoke up. 

"What the hell was she thinking!?" Scorpius exclaimed as laxus wrapped his jacket around her. 

"where did you guys go anyway?" Natsu asked sounding a little jealous. 

"Mathias! what have you done!" Scorpius sounded horrified which gained everyone's attention as he stared up at Mathias's back. Gajeel jumped up onto Mathias's back and looked down at Ice. 

"it's a woman," He said picking her up and jumped back down to the others. 

"That is Ice," Scorpius said angrily staring at his sister's body. He was a little releived at seeing her, but he was furious at Artimis for her dangerous stunt. She had gone against the gods them selves! Not to mention endangering her own life! 

"say what?!" everyone exclaimed. 

Scorpius glared down at Artimis and growled a little, however, it was clear he was holding back. "Bring them to medical," he said coldly. Everyone stood up except Artimis who was being carried by Laxus. and Ice was being carried by Gajeel. 

Scorpius lead them down to Medical where there was a doctor waiting. Gajeel and Laxus set the girls down. Artimis tried and failed to hold onto Laxus not wanting him to go anywhere. heated blankets were put over both of them as the doctor tried to warm them up. 

"there is a strong chance she will end up with hyperthermia," The doctor said looking over at Scorpius. 

"English doc...we have an idiot in here," Scorpius said sparing a glance over at Natsu who looked confused. 

"Meaning she will be very sick and i strongly advise against travel" The doctor replied. Artimis whimpered.

" it...g-going to ...affect...the...the" Artimis stuttered out. she flinched as she bit her tongue trying to talk. 

"That's a high possibility" Scorpius replied. "You were in freezing temperatures. it is likely that it sped up the process" he explained. Artimis looked down and curled up pulling the covers over her head. She had been afraid of that. She had made her self worse. 

"why on earth would you go off alone and pull a stunt like this?" Erza asked walking forward towards the bed. 

Artimis fought back a sob threatening to escape. Laxus looked at Erza with a warning glare. 

"i know" 

The team and Scorpius looked over and watched as Bella walked in and over to them. "She wants to find a solution to the icing problem." She said and stopped beside Ice's bed. She hovered her hand over the unconscious woman. 

"you do realize what is going to happen now," Scorpius said looking over at Bella. The team looked over at Scorpius questioningly. 

"what are you talking about?" Natsu asked. 

"so she thawed out some woman who cares," Gajeel asked with a scowl. 

"she was framed, you guys found this out years ago, why is it such a big deal," Grey asked. 

Scorpius shakes his head. "it isn't our place to make that choice" he said exasperatedly.

Bella looked over at them. "I will deal with them. No harm will come to artimis. I am the one who sent her." she said firmly. 

They looked to her shocked. 

"wait, you sent her?!" erza asked with a gasp.

"that's all they need to know" Bella replied looking down at Ice. "i have dealt with the gods many times. I know how to handle the big guy" She said reassuringly. 

"but..." Wendy started to say and looked over at Artimis who still hadn't resurfaced.

"she just needs to rest and take anything prescribed by the doctor. Scorpius...a moment" Bella said and she walked out with the king in tow.

The group stood there quietly. 

Artimis staid quiet, but couldn't fight back the tears that were free falling from her eyes. *Thank you, boss,* she thought to her self as she reached up wiping at her eyes. the feeling was starting to come back to her. if felt weird like thousands of needles were poking her over and over again. 

the blankets were soon changed out for new and fresh ones, and soon she fell asleep under the covers. *hey, wait....where's Lucy? i haven't heard her. I hope nothing happened* was the last thing that went through her mind before she shut down unconscious. 

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