chapter 37

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Artimis walked into the guild hall when she arrived and looked around. Everyone was either drinking or just resting too exhausted to go home to rest. 

Seeing laxus she made a bee line for him and sat down beside him. 

"back already?" Laxus asked as he looked down at her. 

"she wasnt that far away" Artimis replied with a yawn as she attempted to bury her self into his coat that he had on. 

"holey hell you are cold!" Laxus exclaimed. 

"no shit sherlock why do you think i am doing this" Artimis said with a scowl. 

"Excuse me! dont you know what personal bubble means" Evergreen said scathingly. 

"dont you know what 'He is not interested in you' means?" Artimis asked innocently. She turned and looked at Alec who was sitting across from them smirking at her words as Evergree was fuming. "who is this, Your girlfriend?" She asked getting him back for asking about Laxus, however she froze in shock as she stared at the young girl sitting beside Alec. 

"LUNA!" She exclaimed as she all but jumped over the table and tackled her into a tight hug. "I Thought you were dead!!!! What happened where were you? I saw them take you!!! how did you get away!" Artimis said quickly and gasped a little as she was starting to run out of breath.

Alec's face turned red and she smirked in satisfaction. Laxus looked Alec over with a calculating look as Luna was stammering trying to answer, he wasnt aware of Artimis appearing beside him again and burying her self into him and the coat again until her hands touched him and the cold made him jump. 

"you said something about your daughter earlier. Im guessing that you were talking about the kid" Laxus said looking over at the toddler that Alec was holding. 

"This is Violet" Alec replied with a nod. 

"that is not even possible you are like...10" Evergreen said with a scoff. 

"I am twelve" Alec said with a scowl. "mom put some sort of spell on me that stops me from aging" he explained. 

"who is the mother?" bixlow questioned as he looked over Violet. 

"Her mother died" Alec said as he looked away with pain in his eyes. He was faintly aware of Luna putting her hand on his shoulder in a comforting way. 

Artimis on the other hand was shivering as she tried to get as close to Laxus as possible hoping that his body heat would warm her up at least a little bit. 

"tch. you are a ice dragon slayer and you are cold?" evergreen said with a scoff. 

"Leave her alone" Laxus said sharply. Evergreen, bixlow, and freed, looked at him with a burning curiosity in their eyes. 

They looked up at Ice walked up to the table. "Cold?" Ice asked looking at Artimis. Artimis only nods a little. 

"It will take a long time to get used to it unfortunately, and even then the cold will still bother you to at least some degree" Ice explained giving her a look of understanding. 

"l-like wh-when you were thawed out" Artimis asked as her teeth chattered together a little. 

"Yes, but i had been there a long time so the icing problem only got worse over time since i was locked away in ice and in a ice cold place that was 30 below" Ice explained. 

"30 below and you go there in a silk nightgown that cant even be considered a night gown because there was barely any cloth to it!" Laxus said looking down at her accusingly. 

Artimis flinched a little. "yeah yeah. I learn my lesson" she grumbled. 

"she ended up with hyperthermia" Laxus explained. 

"That wasnt the only thing that happened" Artimis grumbled to her self, but they couldnt understand what she had said. 

Ice shook her head. "you should probably get a space heater" she added before walking away. 

"Mom says space heaters suck" Alec commented. 

"Ill warm you up!" Natsu said appearing out of no where with his fists on fire. Artimis tensed up.

"uh...i dont want burned....just melted" she said hesitantly. 

"hey it's all cool i know what i'm doing" Natsu said with a grin. 

"i doubt it" Laxus said with a scowl. 

"dont burn me" Artimis said pleadingly. Natsu blew a breath of fire at her. She had to admit that the flames were very warm. a little too warm. 


Artimis looked up just in time to see laxus punch Natsu making him roll across the floor and over to the other side of the hall. Artimis reddened as she realized what had happened and curled up tightly as Laxus took his coat off and wrapped it around her. 

Every male in the hall except for the children had bloody noses. 

"I think now would be a good time for us to go home Artimis" Lucy said glaring at Natsu. Artimis only nodded. She got up and followed Lucy out of the guild hall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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