Chapter 11

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Morning came and the wizards of fairy tail woke with massive hangovers from the night before, however, they were ready to start the day with a burning desire to win, however, their day turned into a horrid nightmare as they entered the tavern and saw a horrifying and gruesome sight.

there laying on a table was Artimis. there were large gashes all over her body. There was a knife stabbed right through her hands pinning her down to the table. Blood stained the table as it leaked from the wounds. her clothes were in pieces on the ground leaving her exposed. Bruises and cuts littered her body.

"who....would do this?" Lucy asked with a horrified look in her eyes. she looked over and saw Makarov and erza walking in. The looks on their faces were clear. they were beyond angry.

"who did this" Natsu said shaking in rage. his fists were engulfed in flames.

"she wasn't just attacked," gray said seeing the severity of her wounds.

"she was tortured," Makarov said gravely as Mirajane quickly covered up Artimis with Elfman's jacket.

Laxus and the thunder legion stood the back. They were all furious seeing Artimis.

"we need to get her to Porlyusica," Erza said.

"Jet. you are the fastest. get her to Porlyusica now without her being seen. the poor girl has been through enough" Makarov said.

"what about the knives?" Jet asked.

"just be as careful as you can," Makarov said as Jet picked up Artimis bridal style and left quickly.

"master" Natsu started to say he was shaking with rage. His dragon Slayer side clearly showed.

"we must find out who has done this" Makarov stated. "until then do nothing. we do not want to start anything without knowing the true events" he said.

Erza nods. "but when we find out" she started to say. There was no doubt what she was thinking. The ones responsible were going to pay.

"when we find out....whoever did this will pay," Makarov said firmly.

Everyone relaxed hearing Makarov's words. they quickly got ready for the day and made their way to the stadium.

the two teams made their way down to the infirmary to check in on their teammates before they went out to the field.

Gajeel and Natsu were the chosen ones next.

the game was a race and they were currently stuck behind everyone with the man from Sabertooth.

"why is this happening to me" Gajeel groaned as he fought to keep from throwing up.

Nastu finished and then Gjaeel leaving the sabertooth guy in the last place.

Natsu was taken to the infirmary and left there to rest where Lucy found Carla was now awake.

Artimis began to stir. she groaned a bit as she weakly turned onto her side.

"ow," she whimpered as her eyes opened.

"Artimis. you're awake!" Lucy exclaimed.

"mhmm" Artimis forced her self to sit up and was shaking from how weak she was.

"I have to tell the others...but..wait. Artimis. please...tell me who did this to you" Lucy said quickly.

Artimis looked away. "who is fighting?" she asked.

"Hmmm, I don't know" Lucy replied looking confused.

"Im going to go tell the others you are awake," Lucy said as she turned and ran out just as Porlyusica walked over to Artimis to check over her wounds.

"do you make a habit out of this" Porlyusica asked clearly annoyed about something.

"not really" Artimis replied flinching as she laid back down.

"get some sleep" Porlyusica started to say however they looked over as someone came bounding into the room. People with masks and capes on came into the infirmary a knocked them all out.

They picked up wendy Artimis Carla and Porlyusica before running out of the infirmary.

Artimis fought to stay awake even though their attempt to knock her out rendered her immobile.

she was about to fall unconscious again as their running made pain shoot through her like knives being stabbed into her over and over again when she caught sighed of someone with pink hair.

Natsu had woken up and found everyone gone. he followed a smell that had let him right to the girls who were being taken. He got the girls away from the men and knocked them. Artimis cried out in pain as she hit the ground.

"Artimis!" Natsu called out as he ran over to her. "are you alright?" he asked.

"Im fine...Wendy?" Artimis asked looking over to Wendy with a worried look.

Porlyusica woke up and looked around. She got up and went over to check on Wendy and Artimis.

"Wendy will be fine," Porlyusica said reassuringly.

Natsu looked overhearing the cheers and saw Elfman the winner of the match.

"Alright!" Natsu exclaimed as Wendy woke up from the cheering.

Artimis breathed a sigh of relief. "oh thank god" she said letting her self fall backward listening to the sounds of cheers from below.

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