Chapter 19

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Everyone stared at Lucy startled by her demand.

"please listen we have to hurry and close the gate right now!" Lucy exclaimed fearfully.

"would you care to explain," arcadios asked looking at her calmly but there was a look of confusion in his eyes.

"please princess we don't have much time you have to close it" Lucy explained.

"I can't do that" the princess held her arms up as if trying to protect to gate. "this is our only weapon that we have that's capable of combating the swarm of dragons. if we close the gate we won't be able to fire the eclipse cannon" the princess explained.

Lucy walked forward and stood in front of her. "you won't be able to fire it anyway" she pointed towards the gate. "the thing is not a weapon. it's just a gate that connects points in time." Lucy explained.

"it contains enough massive amount of magic power. the cannon releases it all in one blast" the princes exclaimed firmly.

"don't be ridiculous!" Lucy exclaimed in disbelief. "im telling you it isn't a weapon!" Lucy exclaimed.

"that's enough out of you," Arcadios said quickly and calmly. "don't forget you are speaking to the princess of this kingdom" he reminded her.

"its nothing but a gateway to 400 years into the past," Lucy said firmly and then gasped. the ground started shaking.

Artimis stepped forward standing beside Lucy. "prepare to pay up princess" she said coldly as her hand went to her side.

"princess," arcadios said worriedly as he helped her up after she had fallen.

"my eyes do they deceive me," the minister said in disbelief as he stared at the open gates.

everyone stared in horror as a dragon came out of the gates. "OH HELL!" artimis exclaimed as more dragons kept coming. the soldiers were blown away.

"LUCY!" Artimis exclaimed as she dug her blade into the ground keeping her self from moving.

Arcadios held hold of the princess. as the dragons roared loudly. Lucy and Wendy were on the ground. staring in horror.

Many types of dragons came out of the gate. Lucy got up quickly and went to the princess asking how to close the gate. She and a white-haired girl ran over to the pedestal.

"Close the gate!" Artimis called as she knocked the princess down to keep her from getting hit by debris. Artimis took off in hopes to help with the onslaught of dragons. she continued running down the streets trying to catch up to one of the dragons. she wasn't sure how long she had been running but she had to dodge several attacks and reroute several times as her path had been blocked. She slid around a corner and saw laxus squaring off with a dragon. Wendy was not that far from him.

*did I get anywhere?* she wondered thoroughly puzzled as she looked around wondering where she was. she looked down and saw that she had a sword in her hand and that it was covered in blood. She sighed. *how do I not remember any of it?* she wondered to her self, however, she quickly shook it off.

"LAXUS!" Artimis exclaimed watching he got hit by an attack as she ran towards him. Laxus looked overhearing her voice and had a startled look on his face.

Aritimis ran up to him gasping and turned to face the dragon.

"where the hell have you been?" laxus growled. "and what the hell is with the get-up?" he added as he looks her over noticing how wounded she was.

"saving my sister!" Artimis said scowling at the dig at her clothing. "shut up brute. if you hadn't of made me upset I would have probably told you" she said.

"WHAT!!?" Laxus growled. "if you weren't so emotional!" laxus started to say but stopped as he dodged an attack.

"Aww, how cute a love spat" the dragon scoffed.

"Oh screw off" Artimis growled in annoyance as she threw an ice attack at the dragon's face. *has it really been this long since the gate has opened* she thought puzzled. Laxus used lightening against the dragon, however, it seemed to not even phase it.

"Damn it this thing is annoying me" Laxus growled.

"Oh shut up" artimis snapped. "what did you think killing dragons were easy?" she asked in annoyance as she yelped trying to dodge the tail as the dragon swung its tail around at her.

"What I would give to have Mathias here about now!" She growled. two ice swords appeared in each hand. she jumped up onto the dragon's claw as the beast slammed its claw down trying to squash them. She sliced the swords upward aiming for the softer spot on the dragon.

"who's Mathias?" Laxus asked looking over to artimis as she was thrown back. Laxus jumped up and caught her quickly.

"aww is that a hint of jealousy I hear," The dragon said tauntingly.

"SHUT UP!" Laxus and Artimis snapped as they stood up straight.

"you know you two might as well just give up. you can't hurt me. besides watching you two bicker is way more entertaining" The dragon said laughing.

Artimis growled angrily as ice and lighting swarmed around them.

"ICE DRAGON/LIGHTING DRAGON ROAR" they let loose their roar towards the dragon. the dragon flicking its wings with a growl. "that tickled" the dragon said as it stood itself up. However, Artimis noticed that the dragon had been forced backward quite a bit.

Artimis gulped a bit staring up at the dragon fearfully.

*how the hell are we supposed to defeat this thing* she wondered. "we are dragon slayers we should be able to defeat a freaking dragon" she growled in annoyance. "especially one as annoying as this one" she added.

"Hey! respect your elders!" The dragon growled as he let out a roar burning off several peoples clothing. Artimis blinked as they all ran. She sighed and looked over at Laxus and let out a sigh of relief seeing that he still had his clothing. wait...what the hell...when did Wendy get there.

"holy shit im back at the castle!!!" Artimis exclaimed. She huffed as she hit her self on the head trying to focus. she turned back to the Dragon and growled. "alright that's it!" she snapped. "you are going down you stupid overgrown lizard!!!"

Laxus stepped forward as lightning began to static off of him. "hey Artimis. let's try something" he said walking over to her. Artimis looked over at him puzzled and yelped as he wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer to him.

Artimis's eyes widened. "But...I don't think I am strong enough" she stammered.

"just trust me," Laxus said with a smirk, Artimis looked up at him in thought and then nods. taking her hand into his their powers began rushing around them Ice and Lightening.

"LIGHTENING BLIZZARD STORM!!!!" they yelled as their powers combined into one creating a unison raid with their slyer magic with Wendy using her own powers to boost the power of the attack. The attack hit the dragon straight in the middle tearing a wound into the jade-colored dragon. the jade dragon went flying backward and hit the ground hard.

The dragon cried out in alarm and shocked that their attack had hurt him.

Artimis felt a shocking jolt of happiness rush through her. "holy crap that actually worked!" she exclaimed.

"don't celebrate just yet," Laxus said watching as the dragon forced itself back up.

Artimis looked over at the dragon and tensed up again. She looked over at Laxus. "what else can we do! that was the strongest attack we had!" she said worriedly.

"one more roar! the three of us" Wendy demanded.

"Ice Dragon"

"lightening dragon"

"sky dragon"

"ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!" their attacks sent the jade dragon flying backward again causing him to get really angry. however, it hurt him none the less.

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