chapter 27

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the fairy tail group had met up with Scorpius in the throne room where he had told them rooms were being prepared for them and that dinner would be soon. They decided to separate and look around. Artimis staid behind as her friends departed.

"Something bothering you Artimis?"

Artimis looked over seeing Bella walking up to her and Scorpius. she sighed a bit. "its just...Mathis told me...about someone who had a similar problem that I am having" she replied.

"what problem is that?" Scorpius asked sitting back against the throne. he looked as if he hadn't had a decent nights sleep in a long time.

Artimis stared at them for a while before answering. "I think...I won't be able to have kids" she explained.

"why do you think that?" Bella asked sitting down on the arm of the throne.

"um...well you see...I...there is an problem" Artimis stammered out unsure of how to actually tell them.

Scorpius looked over at her. "ice problem?" he asked sharply.

"well. I noticed I wasn't having my I went to the doctor. um, she...said that there was a build up of ice in my body. and that the more I use my powers...the more the ice would build up" Artimis explained.

Bella looked over at Scorpius who seemed to understand what she was saying. "do you know something I don't" she asked wearily.

Scorpius sighed and nodded. "I know someone who had that problem," he said with a sigh. "my sister did a good job of pissing her off a lot" he added.

" are talking about Ice," Bella said as if suddenly remembering something. "I completely forgot about that," she said looking up at the ceiling in thought.

Artimis sighed. "I envy you" she accidentally said out loud. oops.

"why is that?" Bella asked with a raised eyebrow showing her curiosity and amusement.

Artimis reddened a bit. "well...its know your parents...or...parent. the only one I know is Artica." Artimis explained.

Scorpius tensed up. "some times it is better not knowing." he said. the way he said it made Artimis uncomfortable. it was as if he knew something that they didn't. why had he reacted that way? Artimis didn't know but she also had a feeling that she didn't want to know.

"so are you staying for the wedding?" Bella asked.

Artimis looked up. "oh yeah...who is getting married. I was going to ask earlier." she said.

"me...and then later on my dad. you can come to both if you want" Bella replied. Artimis's eyes widened. Bella? Married? what on earth has been happening while she was away?

"Whoa! you are getting married? I didn't think you guys were that serious" Artimis said alarmed.

Bella flinched. *oh, no...what did I say?* artimis thought worriedly.

"it's not with him," Bella said looking down sadly. "d-Derek was killed...a while back" she explained.

Artimis could feel the pain and hear it in Bella's voice. it made her heartbreak for her leader. "I'm sorry," Artimis said looking down. "if you don't mind...then who is it you are marrying?" Artimis asked.

"His name is Sam. He is an ass...but he is better than the alternative. and we are mates so...that makes it better. We met when I moved to Washington. I tried fighting it but...after what happened with Derek...we sort of...just kept hanging out we are here" Bella replied.

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