Chapter 6

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the next day, bright and early Artimis was awake and walking around town. She had left a note on Lucy's dresser letting her know that she had left.

She was currently roaming the streets looking around and exploring the city.

after about an hour of walking, she made it to the guild hall. she walked around the building curious as to what was on the other side.

Her eyes widened seeing the lake and walked down to it.

"this place is beautiful," She said in amazement as she walked up to the water and sat down on the ground beside it.

She looked over as she put her hand to her side sensing someone walking up only to see Makarov with a little girl on his shoulders.

she relaxed and leaned back on her hands.

"it sure is quite a sight," Makarov said with a nod.

Artimis nods.

"you seem upset. are you ok?" the little girl asked.

Artimis looked up at the little girl. "I just...I miss my brother" she replied with a sigh as she looked away.

"is he gone?" the girl asked.

"well...he isn't here, but he is not gone" Artimis replied. "he...he sent me away" she added.

"he must have had his reasons," Makarov said.

"oh...he did. he wanted to protect me...his life...isn't the safest" Artimis said. "but...I still miss him. even more than Artica...And I really miss her" she said sadly.

"it is alright to miss them. it is time for a new chapter in your life. there will always be an adventure here in Fairy Tail. the opportunity to make new friends, find work and make a living. we work as a family here in order to be able to make this guild a proper guild." Makarov said.

"the yearly games are coming up. would you like to come with us?" he asked.

"yearly games?" Artimis asked.

"it is a time and place where all the guilds come together and compete with each other to see who is the strongest guild and to have fun at the same time" Makarov replied.

"that sounds like fun!" Artimis said.

"would you like to come with us?" Makarov asked.

"I'd love too" Artimis replied.

"well alright then. I will add you to the list. will you just be spectating or do you wish to compete?" Makarov asked.

"I can compete?" Artimis asked looking at him confused.

"I know you are new to the guild. but this will give you a chance to experience new things. I will not stop you if you want to compete" Makarov replied.

"can I think about it?" Artimis asked hesitantly.

"of course. but we will need your answer by the end of this week" Makarov replied.

Artimis nods in understanding. "alright" she said and looked up at the sky. "I will think about it," she said.

Makarov gave a smile. "I suggest coming in. it looks like there will be a storm" Makarov said. Artimis looked off to the side and saw the storm cloud headed their way. she gave a sigh and stood up.

"alright. I was going to look at the job board anyway. I need to find a job if I am going to find a place to stay" she said as she followed him into the guild hall.

"Hello, master, Artimis how are you doing today?" Mirajane said greeting them at the door.

"I...uhh I am doing good. thank you" Artimis said. "I was just going to check the job board" She added.

"well let me know if you find anything you want to accept," Mirajane said with a smile.

"Alright," Artimis said with a slight smile and walked over to the board.

Natsu and Happy were standing by the board. "Hey Artimis," he said.

"oh..hello Natsu" Artimis replied with a smile. "happy" she greeted and looked up at the Board.

"looking for a job?" Happy asked.

Artimis nods. "yes." she replied.

"why not come with us?" Natsu said holding up a flyer. "it would do you some good to get some experience. and it would help get the job done" Natsu said.

"what is the job?" Artimis asked curiously looking at the flyer.

"Something about something or other," Natsu replied.

Artimis sweatdropped. "you're accepting a job that you know nothing about," she asked taking the flyer at him and looked down at it.

She sighed a bit. "alright...sure why not." she said.

"sweet. Erza and grey are both all ready to go" Natsu said.

"wait both of them are coming?" Artimis said.

"yeah so is Lucy and wendy too," Natsu said with a grin.

"how hard are these jobs?" Artimis asked.

"ah this one will be a piece of cake come on we have to go pick up Lucy," Natsu said grabbing Artimis's hand and pulled her away and out of the guild hall.

"Hey wait...I hate the rain!" Artimis exclaimed trying to keep up with Natsu.

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