chapter 36

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Artimis ran as fast as she could dodging spells, attacks and flying debris as she made her way over to where Asuka was trapped. She slid and fell to her knees as she got there and quickly started pulling the debris off of Asuka who was crying.

Artimis wasn't sure if she was crying from pain or because she was scared. Picking her up she stood up and ran in the opposite direction of the fight. 

"where are we going? we have to help!" Asuka exclaimed struggling against Artimis' hold. 

"We are helping Asuka, I have to get you out of here so that your mom and dad can concentrate on taking out the bad guys." Artimis explained she continued running as fast as she could to get the little girl away from the fighting. 

"wont the others be mad cause we left?" Asuka asked looking confused and worried. 

"dont worry Asuka. They are not going to be mad" Artimis replied as she turned down a hidden path and sat her down. "Stay here. at this tree. we will come get you soon. get in there and hide dont come out unless it is on fire and if that happens, stay close to this area, but find another hiding place" Artimis explained firmly. 

"Ok Artimis" Asuka said with a sad look. Artimis had a look of pain in her eyes. She didnt want to leave Asuka alone, but she needed to get back to the fight. Crystal appeared out of  Asuka's shirt. 

"Crystal!, oh thank the gods" Artimis said with a look of relief. "Asuka. take really good care of Crystal please, Keep her with you. you will be helping me out a whole bunch!" she explained. 

Asuka's eyes lit up. "I'll keep her safe! i promise!" She said happily. Artimis gave Crystal a look. Crystal gave a nod with Artimis took as she understood. Aritmis turned and ran back towards the battle. 

Artimis was a little surprised as she noticed that her speed had gotten faster. She jumped up and flipped over Canna before landing with her feet to the ground. 

"where have you been?" Canna questioned as she downed a barrel of beer at the same time that she threw a card. 

"Dealing with a problem" Artimis replied. "Hey laxus, wanna give it a try again? it worked on the dragon!" Artimis called over to Laxus who had just punched a guy bashing his head into the concrete. The two closed the space between them.

"LIGHTENING BLIZZARD STORM!!!!!" They yelled out as they combined their powers. The attack barreled through the dark guild members and a few members of the snakes, However the attack did plenty of damage as it shot up into the sky and hit the dark guild's castle. 

"well, they dont have a guild hall any more!" Wendy commented optimistically. 

"Hey can you do that attack again, but this time at a different target" Ice called over to them as she fought with some sort of plant thorn girl. 

"what target?" Laxus questioned looking over at her puzzled. 

"i think she is talking about that" Artimis said seeing something that had definitely not been there before. as the castle finished falling to pieces a large cannon was revealed. Laxus turned and looked over at the cannon. 

"i dont know if that attack will work on that cannon" wendy said looking worried. Laxus looked around and saw that Erza was fighting the guild's master. Natsu was fighting with some sort of large beast. 

"Look! it's the master!" Artimis exclaimed as she caught sight of makarov who was turning into his giant self. 

"uh oh!" Wendy said looking terrified.

"Oh gramps is pissed" Laxus commented. 

"You guys are so screwed now!" Natsu said laughing in excitement as he held onto the back of the beast that was trying to throw him off. 

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