chapter 24

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"say what?!" Artimis's voice rang throughout the guild hall which gained everyone's attention. it was the next day of their return. everyone had gotten back into the habit of living their everyday lives. most people had gone out to do jobs.

Laxus stared up at her puzzled. "I said id come along...isn't that why you asked?" he asked confused.

"well I mean..yes but...I just...didn't think you would want to" artimis stammered out.

"then why'd you ask?" laxus asked confused.

"I just...hoped you would?" she mumbled looking down.

"well I am so when are we leaving?" laxus asked.

"oh well...when everyone is ready to go I suppose" Artimis replied she looked over and noticed that Makarov was watching them with a concerned look.

"is something wrong?" Artimis asked walking over to him.

"I hope you know what you are doing. I would hate for something to happen to you guys. especially so far away" Makarov replied.

"Don't worry...where we are going we will be perfectly safe...if anything were to happen we would be able to get through it. there is mainly a lot of nonmagic users. except for a certain family. but I am in good relations with that family" Artimis explained.

Makarov sighed as he took a drink from his mug. Artimis made a face at the smell of alcohol.

"in that safe and come back to us soon" Makarov replied.

"Oh don't not leaving Fairytail anytime soon..i love this place," Artimis said grinning happily.

"that's cause fairytail is the best" Natsu exclaimed clearly ready to go.

"AYE SIR!" happy exclaimed.

"well, then I take it everyone is ready to go?" Artimis asked looking over and saw everyone was standing there.

"so how are we getting there?" Natsu asked.

Artimis laughed a bit. "we have a long way to go Natsu" she said as she walked out of the guild hall with Natsu, Wendy, gajeel, Laxus, lucy, gray, and ezra...and three cats.

"where exactly are we going?" gajeel asked.

"to my homelands. I promised Wendy that I would take you guys to meet someone who has met the dragons" Artimis explained as they all boarded a train much to Natsu's displeasure.

"what is it like over there?" Wendy asked looking up at artimis in curiosity.

"oh..well it's...crazy to be honest. there is a lot of gangs...or...groups that goes around the place. the crimson ice angels try and keep them from hurting people or selling bad things to people" she exclaimed.

"what type of bad things?" Erza asked.

"Horrible thing" artimis shivered.

"so these crimson ice angels...they are the good guys?" Lucy asked

Artimis nods. "they are...eccentric and...over the top...but yes...they are the good guys" She replied.

"then it's pretty much like our guild right?" gray asked looking over at her.

"clothes gray" Lucy sighed seeing that gray had once again taken his clothes off.

Artimis looked out the window and smiled a bit. *I just hope we live through this* she thought.

"hey...are you alright?" Laxus asked noticing her had begun to shiver.

Artimis nods a bit. "just cold" she mumbled in a way she had hoped that they didn't hear her, but she knew they did.

"cold?" Erza, wendy, and gray asked.

"you used ice magic and you are cold?" laxus asked.

arimis shivered and kept her gaze out the window not wanting to seeing their judging looks.

She jumped feeling something warm come around her. She looked over startled and saw Laxus's coat was now around her.

She looked up at him questioningly.

"I don't need it right now" he said looking away with a scoff.

"I guess even Ice users get cold" Lucy said. she knew the problem due to talking with the doctor, but she was sure Artimis didn't want her telling the others about it.

Artimis gave Lucy a grateful smile and curled up on the seat that she was in. She let out a yawn and fell asleep leaning up against the window.

--------------------Authors note---------------------------

Sorry for the short chapter Ill make it up in the next one.

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