chapter 20

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"princess the wizards can handle things from here so we should leave," Arcadios said looking down at the princess.

"I can escort you" the silver-haired woman, Yukino, said.

"for now it is my duty to remain here I cannot desert my people in a time of crisis" the princess stated firmly.

"But princess, it's dangerous," Yukino said in worry.

"hey ive got something!"

everyone looked over and saw Lucy running up.

"you need to look at this now!" Lucy said panting as she held up a worn out book.

"what do you want to show us," the princess asked confused.

"it's my futures selves diary" Lucy explained.

"what does it say?" Yukino asked.

"read it" Lucy replied handing it over to Yukino. She had a determined look on her face as Yukino opened the diary and began reading what was on the pages.

"our one hope is that the eclipse gate in this time period gets destroyed. if that happens the one that exists in the future will disappear as well" she read out loud. "and none of the horrible things will happen"

"but can that be true" Arcadios asked with wide eyes.

"yes, it can't still be around in the future if we destroy the gate in our time" Lucy explained. "there will be an entirely new future where the eclipse was destroyed in the past. it will be gone forever" Lucy said having finally caught her breath. "just a part of ancient history! and if it's not around rouge won't have a way to travel back in time"

"but all of that has happened in our time so is it still possible to change it," the princess asked looking up at Lucy.

"yeah, and if we are lucky" happy's voice sounded causing everyone to turn around and look over at him. "rouge and the dragons will get out of our time for good," he said.

"well it is certainly worth a try," Carla said with her paws on her hips looking up at the humans.

"you're right, but it is a rather daunting task," Arcadios said. "how can we destroy that massive structure. when our resources are spread so thin" Arcadios asked looking over at the gate.

"it won't be an easy job that's for sure" Panther lily replied.

"easy or not we have to find a way," Lucy said firmly. "the future of the entire world is at stake here," she said.

Lucy and Yukino brought out their keys and tossed them into the air taking their hands in each other.

"now open," Yukino said

"gates of all twelve signs" Lucy added it sounded like they were chanting.

"of the zodiac!" they called out as a bright light surrounded them and the zodiac spirits appeared around them.

"go! take it down!" Lucy called out to them. They all flew at the gates. a blinding light covered their view but as it disappeared they found that the gates were still standing.

"I don't believe it!" Lucy exclaimed horrified.

Lucy and Yukino Held each other's hand as they combined their powers still attempting to destroy it. they saw a fireball coming their way and hurried to get out of the way in time. they were barely able to get out of the way as the attack hit the gates and destroyed everything.

The princess held onto Arcadios tightly as he held onto her protectively.

Lucy had been picked up off the ground from the force of the impact and throws quite a bit ways. They looked up and saw that Natsu was there and a defeated rouge as well.

"Natsu took down the gate!!!" Happy exclaimed happily.

everyone looked around as the dragon started glowing. Slowly one by one the dragons began disappearing.

"no this can't be!" the dragon exclaimed.

"well ain't that something," laxus said starting at the jade dragons.

"its disappearing" Wendy said in awe.

"no you are just a bunch of stupid humans!" the dragon exclaimed angrily. "there's no way you defeated me!" he exclaimed.

The princess stepped forward as laxus caught Artimis stopping her from falling to the ground as the earth shook under the dragons footstep.

"please forgive me" the princess spoke sadly.

"please don't get near him" Wendy called out to the princess.

"Princess!" arcadios called worriedly.

The princess, however, didn't seem to listen as she continued forward. "the gateway between our times was created as the result of my decree which means I am sole to blame for throwing your time into disarray. your kind lives 400 years in the past. and humans live in the present, therefore, we were never fated to have a conflict with each other. But I foolishly interfered and I apologize for that." The princess spoke as she looked up at the dragon.

"who are you?" the dragon asked as his eyes narrowed.

"Hisui E. Fiore" the princess replied

"Hisui?" the dragon questioned.

"in the language of my ancestors it means Jade same as your color" she explained.

"same as me eh," the dragon said looking down at her in thought.

"yes that's right" the princess replied with a smile. "I shall call you the jade dragon" she explained.

"jade dragon huh? its got a nice ring to it. HUH!? I got tricked by a stupid human!" The dragon suddenly realized something just before disappearing.

Everything went back to the way it had been before the attack had happened.

Artimis felt her self relaxing in relief.

"thank god that is over" laxus started to say however he was cut off as he suddenly realized something. Artimis had tackled him in her excitement. however, as she did so their lips met.

Artimis seemed to realize this too and quickly backed away from him reddening. "s-sorry" she stammered looking away.

Laxus pulled himself out of his shock and smirked. "if you want to kiss me you should have just said something" he said smugly.

"Oh shut the hell up!" artimis snapped but she was cut off as Laxus pulled her in and pressed his lips to hers effectively shutting her up.

they heard someone clearing their throat and backed away from each other looking away not wanting to meet each other's eyes.

"I thank you for your help," The princess said gratefully.

Artimis scowled. "if you had listened to me in the first place none of this would have happened" Artimis muttered.

the princess looked at her sadly and sighed. "I know. I am truly sorry please...all of you we will host a feast to celebrate our victory through" the princess said.

Artimis scoffed and began walking away.

"screw you" she muttered angrily.

"Hey, its free food. you can't turn that down" Natsu said looking at Artimis puzzled by her reactions towards the princess.

Artimis just continued to walk on.

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