Chapter 9

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It was the last fight of the day. Artimis was called down to the field along with someone called Jura. Artimis walked out onto the field looking around not really paying attention to her opponent. *Jura must be someone powerful* she thought to her self hearing the cheers for Jura.

Artimis turned her attention to Jura who was standing there watching her. "You are Jura? one of the wizard saints I have heard so much about?" she asked.

"I am" Jura replied with a nod. "Personally I would love to see Fairy tail do well in this competition however I am afraid the old hag would throw a fit if I were to let you win" Jura explained.

"I am new to Fairy tail but I have heard much about you from them. I thank you for helping my guild however, today I am afraid we cannot be allies. I promised my guild I would help them just as they helped me. and I do not go back on my word" Artimis said promisingly.

Jura gave a smile like smirk. "I will hold you to that. I commend you on your honor" he said.

"how about we make this more entertaining. I get bored quite easily" Artimis spoke up.

Jura looked at her puzzled. "just what do you have in mind" he asked.

"the loser of the match owes the winner a favor...but...should we draw....then it is safe to say neither owes the other" Artimis said. "I could make the stakes higher....however since you have helped my guild I guess I will behave just this once" Artimis added.

"very well...I accept" Jura said sounding amused. "but I hope you know. I will not hold back in this fight" he said.

"nor will I" Artimis replied as she stared straight at him with a smirk. "I will enjoy this. I haven't been able to show my true skills since I joined Fairy tail but that ends today. today everyone will see what I can do" She explained.

Artimis looked up confused hearing some commotion in the stands. she tilts her head seeing someone sitting up there with the guild looking uncomfortable and the rest of the guild looking shocked.

Artimis tilts her head and then turned back to Jura and smiled.

Moments later Artimis dodged an attack. "ICE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!" Artimis let out an Icy roar causing Jura to go flying backward.


cheers and murmurs swept through the stadium.

"Ice magic?" gray and Lyon exclaimed.

"oh man, this is so cool!" Natsu exclaimed.

Jura recovered quickly and attacked with his own magic causing rocks to go flying towards her.

"ICE DRAGON DIAMOND FIST!" Artimis called out as ice gathered around her fist as she ran forward dodging the rocks and Punched Jura right in the stomach not giving him time to recover from using his spells.

*I can attack him when he is focused on his spells* she thought to her self. she quickly backed up as she got up recovering from the hit. He seemed amused by the fight.

"you are very powerful indeed" Jura commented.

"that's nothing," Artimis said with a scoff as she stood up straighter.

"you will have to do better than," he said as he jabbed his fist into the ground.

Artimis quickly jumped up as the ground began shaking and lashed out at her.

"is that so," She said backflipping in the air and lands on her feet. "well then you asked for it," she said.

"ICE DRAGON SECRETE ARTS!" Artimis readied her self. "ICE DRAGONS FREEZING EDGE!" she let out the attack which attacked both pillars that were coming for her and also hit Jura who tried to block it with a wall but failed to cause the team to get a win.

She gave a sigh of relief when he fell over and relaxed her self as she walked away headed back over to her teammates not even giving the announcer time to announce the winner of the match.

She kept her head down not wanting to see the looks on their faces. she could almost feel the judgment of the stares. that was until a loud roar erupted from the stadium.

she looked up alarmed hearing the roaring of cheers that shook the stadium.

"HOLEY HELL SHE BEAT JURA!!!" Natsu exclaimed laughing.

Artimis looked around in shock at everyone in the stands and smiled a bit at the cheers however a sharp pain coursed through her body causing her to grab her side quickly. the cheers quieted as everyone looked over at her.

Artimis flinched as her vision darkened until there was nothing left in sight. she fell to the ground unconscious.

-------------Authors Note----------------
Hi everyone, yes i know Jura was supposed to win the fight but plans plans plans.

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