chapter 22

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The group was on their way home. They had split up as they left. The main team stayed together. except Artimis had gone on with Laxus and his team. mainly because she was still asleep holding onto laxus when they had left.

Artimis yawned as she woke up. Her head was pounding and everything around her was loud. SHe groaned as she sat up and looked around. They were sitting in a carriage.

"Oh god...make it stop" she groaned.

"well nice of you to finally wake," Evergreen said with a smirk holding her fan up to the side of her face.

Artimis curled up and attempted to hide from the light.

"maybe next time you will think twice about drinking so much," Laxus said amused.

"shut up" Artimis groaned as she buried her self into his cape. her hands came up and ran through her hair gripping her head as it continued pounding.

"have you ever drank before yesterday?" Bixlow asked.

Artimis shook her head a bit. "n-no" she mumbled.

"never?" Laxus asked surprised.

Artimis shook her head again. "never cared for it...but...our...l-leader back home...she did all the time. she never said anything about this" Artimis groaned.

"she probably was used to them and could handle them," Evergreen said.

"where are we?" she asked.

"just outside of Magnolia. we are about to stop and meet up with everyone" Laxus replied.

"can we get out now?" Artimis asked wrapping an arm around herself.

"hey stop the carriage" Laxus called out.

the carriage came to a halt and artimis climbed out quickly. the rest of the team followed her out. Artimis stumbled over to a tree and leaned against it. she barely got to the tree as she began to throw up onto the ground.

She groaned feeling shaky.

She looked up and saw that the rest of the guild that had gone to the games were coming up.

"Hey, everything alright?" Ezra's voice called out.

"Someone has a hang over," Laxus said sounding amused.

"let me see if I can help" Wendy jumped out of the carriage and went over to artimis.

"Im fine" artimis mumbled before once again throwing up on the ground.

Wendy put her hands out in front of her using a healing spell.

Artimis felt the headache start to die down. she looked over at Wendy. "thanks" she mumbled.

"no problem," Wendy said happily.

"man its good to be back," Natsu said looking down at the town which wasn't that far away.

"let's get going!" he said excitedly.

Artimis straightened up and followed them walking beside laxus as they made their way into the town. she was surprised as she saw that the whole town was waiting for them to return.

everyone was cheering.

most of the guild was taking in the cheers happily. Artimis leaned into laxus taking some comfort from his presence that seemed to make nausea not as bad.

Makarov seemed to be taking in the cheerful crowd the most....and canna but she was drunk.

Gray, on the other hand, was quiet. Artimis looked over at him worriedly sensing something was off about him. she sighed shaking her head.

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