chapter 3

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As Ezra predicted, they made it to the guild hall the next day just before lunchtime.

"Oh my!" Artimis said alarmed as she stared at the guild hall. the place was bigger than she had expected.

Natsu grinned as he walked on into the guild hall. "WE'RE BACK!" he exclaimed.

"Hey guys!' everyone turned and greeted the group that had come in.

"hey who's the girl"

Artimis looked around trying to keep up with who said what.


Artimis jumped as she covered her hands with her ears and whimpered.

"there is no need to harass the poor girl" a small man spoke up with a gruff tone in his voice.


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"master." erza greeted as Artimis pulled her hands away from her ears. "this is artimis. we come across her on our way home. She wants to join fairy tail" she explained.

"well come on over here. Marijane will get you your emblem" The master spoke up.

Artimis walked over hesitantly. "that's all?" she asked confused.

"were you expecting something else?" the master asked.

"honestly...i don't know what i was expecting," Artimis said as a white-haired girl walked up holding something in her hand.

"where would you like your emblem?" she asked smiling cheerfully

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"where would you like your emblem?" she asked smiling cheerfully.

" i guess" Artimis replied pointing to her shoulder. Mirajane placed the emblem on her arm where she instructed. when she pulled the magical tool away it revealed the emblem, however, it was different than Natsu's, which was the only one she had seen besides Lucy's.


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"whoa..thats pretty neat" mirajane said. "look master her emblem is very unique" She added looking over at the master.

Artimis looked down at her emblem. "it looks like there is a galaxy inside of it" she said in awe.

"whoa neat-o!"Natsuu said checking out her emblem.

"why couldn't mine be like that"Natsu pouted. Artimis looked nervous. "umm...i take it no one else has one like this?" she asked.

"not that we have seen" Lucy replied.

"could it have something to do with her do have magic right?" grey asked Artimis looked down in thought. "what does my magic have to do with the color of my emblem, "Artemis asked looking back up at them.

"everyone's magic is different and unique, "Ezra replied.

"i guess that makes sense," Artimis said, however, was still confused.

Welcome to Fairy tail" everyone in the guild hall cheered.
Artimis looked around at everyone and gave a shy smile. "Thank you!" she said with a hesitant wave.

*Now I just need to find a place to stay* she thought to her self. *I don't have any money yet* She added with a sigh.

"hey. why don't you stay with me until you can get a place" Lucy offered??

Artimis looked up. " have done enough for me already. and I am extremely grateful...but I couldn't" she said.

"its no problem,", Lucy said.

"yeah we all end up there anyway,", Natsu said.

"without permission, I might add!" Lucy snapped annoyed. she turned to Artimis. "come on. im sure you want a bath and freshen up" Lucy said leading her away from the guild.

Artimis froze up suddenly.

Lucy looked back at her. "is something wrong?" she asked.

"you are a celestial wizard?" Artimis asked.

"uh..yeah why is there a problem,", Lucy asked nervously.

"no problem,", artimis said quickly and smiled reassuringly. "one of my...uhh gifts is I can see what type of powers you possess when I touch you" Artimis explained.

OOh neat. that would come in handy for battle"Lucy exclaimed.

"it does come in handy" Artimis agreed, "tell you happen to hold. aquarius or Leo" Artimis asked as she walked with Lucy to her house.

"oh yeah, I have them both!" Lucy said. "Aquarius not very nice at times but she is awesome. and loke...I mean Leo is just as awesome" she said.

"I have always wanted to meet Leo," Artimis said following behind lucy looking up at the sky. "I love staring up at the night sky just looking at the constellations She explained.

"well maybe I can introduce you guys,", Lucy said.

"doesn't it take up power?" Artimis asked.

"yes, but ive gotten stronger so it doesn't bother me as bad" Lucy explained.

Artimis looked down at her hands. "honestly...I don't have much experience with my own powers" She said.

"what type of magic do you use?" Lucy asked.

"um....well its...difficult to explain,", artimis said looking away.

Lucy looked over at her questioningly. "what do you mean it is difficult to explain" she asked.

"it's...well it's not normal," Artimis said with a sigh as they made it to Lucy's home. They walked into Lucy's apartment. Artimis looked around.

"cozy," she said.

"it's not much but...its something" Lucy said.

"I think that it is perfect" she replied gladly to have gotten off of the topic of her powers.

"here is the bathroom," Lucy said showing her where the bathroom was at.

"do you mind...I would really like to have a bath" Artimis said nervously.

"of course not" Lucy replied.

Artimis relaxed and walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

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