Chapter 21

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Everyone was getting ready for the party that they had all been invited to. the kingdom was hosting a party as a thank you for helping save the kingdom. several members had tried to convince Artimis to join, however, none of them seemed to have gotten through to her.

the last they had seen her was when she was at the inn. She had gone straight there after the fight. According to the innkeeper she had a lot to drink since he had been there....and she was there before him.

"I wish Artimis was coming," Wendy said sadly.

"I wonder what has her so bitter," Yukino said looking worried.

"Let her be. She has had a harsh week" Erza said with a sigh, though she too seemed worried.

they all made their way into the palace hall where everyone from different guilds was at. they were drinking and eating.

everyone seemed cheerful and happy despite a few days ago there had been dragons attacking.

the doors opened and everyone looked over. they were all shocked.

"hey. im glad you decided to join" erza said happily seeing Artimis.

"yeah well....laxus forced me," Artimis said annoyed as she walked...uneven across the floor. it was plainly clear that she was drunk.

"Um maybe you should take it easy," Lucy said worriedly as Artimis picked up a drink.

Artimis looked over at Lucy. "don't even" she said coldly as she walked away stumbling a bit.

Artimis watched Canna and some guy from Quatro puppies have a drinking contest. she seemed amused as she watched them.

sensing someone walking up to her she looked up and her eyes narrowed seeing the princess.

"Hello," the princess greeted.

"goodbye" artimis said coldly taking a drink. she could feel shocked as the people around them watched with interest.

"look...I know we didn't get off on a good start" the princess began. Artimis attempted to ignore her hoping that she would go away. The princess sighed a bit. "I know you wanted an there anything else you wanted," She asked hesitantly.

Artimis stood up as she realized the princess wasn't going to leave her alone any time soon. All too quickly Artimis's arm shock out clenched in a fist. Her first came into contact with the side of the princess's face causing her to fall and hit the ground hard. The princess cried out in shock.

Everyone went extremely quiet guards appeared out of nowhere in order to protect the princess.

"I WANT YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MURDEROUS BITCH!" Artimis snapped. "the only reason I am here is that laxus made me come!" she exclaimed.

"stand down everyone please," the princess said quickly trying to get the guards away as she stood up. She looked over at artimis sadly.

"why do you hate me so much. I know I should have listened to you but" She started to say.

"Yeah, you should have. it's because of you my mother is dead! and it's because of you I almost lost my sister because of your stupid project!" Artimis snapped fighting back tears that were forming in her eyes.

The princess's eyes widened in shock and confusion. "I...I'm so sorry!" she said looking down tearfully.

"you took my mother from me....and then you almost get my sister killed as well as almost all of Fiore. you say you are a princess....ive known people who are a lot better at being royal than you...and she failed at keeping a tiara on her head." Artimis said coldly.

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