chapter 34

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"COME FORTH MY CREATIONS!" Ice commanded as her out fit changed due to her use of powers.

"COME FORTH MY CREATIONS!" Ice commanded as her out fit changed due to her use of powers

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 Large felines and wolves made up of ice appeared in front of her. "Attack!". The iced beasts ran forward and began attacking the wizards. Ice turned to Artimis. 

"Now would be a good time to do what ever it is you were planning" Ice said sharply.

"I wasn't planning anything, But since you said something." Artimis said with a smirk as ice appeared out of no where from an attack from Gray. 

"Hey gray! im using your ice" Artimis called over as she knelt down putting her hands on the ice. The ice formed and created a stair case up to the castle. 

"what are you doing?" Lucy called over to her. 

"No idea!" Artimis called back to her as she ran up the stair case. Dodging a body that flew passed her. Nastu ran up and past her. 

"COME ON SLOW POKE" Natsu called in a teasing manner. Artimis laughed a little and chased after him up the stairs. 

"Im surprised you haven't fallen yet!" Artimis yelled at him. As they made their way up to the castle. 

Sliding to a stop as they barreled through the door they looked around. 

"it's so quiet?" Artimis said in surprise. 

"do you not like the silence?"

Natsu and Artimis tensed up looking around quickly for the voice that spoke. 

"who's there!" Natsu demanded. 

"what does it matter? you will not live long enough to make a difference. and after we are through with you. we will run that pathetic guild of yours to the ground" The voice said again with a dark laughter. 

Natsu began shaking with rage. "We will see about that! Come out and fight me coward!!" Natsu called out as he looked around. Artimis yelped as she was nearly hit by lightening and quickly moved out of the way. 

A woman appeared coming out of the shadows and in front of them. 


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