chapter 4

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Artimis finished up her bath and got dressed.

she walked out feeling refreshed and relaxed

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she walked out feeling refreshed and relaxed. Lucy was sitting at the desk working over something.

Lucy looked up as she walked out. "hey feeling any better?" she asked.

"Oh yes thank you," Artimis said. "im glad to finally be out of the forest" she explained with a sigh sitting down at the table.

"I hope this isn't going to be a bother to you," Artimis said.

"it's no bother at all" Lucy replied shrugging off her concern. "Do you want to meet Leo now?" she asked.

"what? now?" Artimis asked completely caught off guard.

"yeah right now. He won't mind" Lucy said.

"I....I'd love too but...I should change first" artimis said.

"I doubt he will care what you are wearing but if you are uncomfortable with it," Lucy said.

"I just...I don't know..i didn't think I'd be meeting him at all much less in my nightgown" Artimis said as her face became tinted with red.

"if anything he might appreciate it," Lucy said with a laugh as she pulled out Leo the lion's key. "Open the gate of the lion LEO" Lucy called out as a bright light appeared and a man with spiky hair wearing a tux appeared.

"hey, there lucy," he said in a seductive tone.

Artimis's eyes were wide as she stared at loke. "that's Leo!" she exclaimed.

"yup warning he can be a flirt," Lucy said.

Artimis reddened a bit at her words and looked at loke.

"who's this?" loke asked.

"this is the newest member of the guild. Artimis. she really wanted to meet you" Lucy explained.

"oh well then...the pleasure is mine gorgeous," Loke said.

"oh my god! I can't believe im meeting you!" Artimis exclaimed.

"well do I live up to your expectations?" loke asked flirtatiously.

"Oh god you are a flirt!" artimis said reddening even more.

"is that a bad thing?" Loke asked looking confused.

"oh no," Artimis said quickly.

"I have to say you are looking fabulous" Loke added causing her to blush even more.

"ok ok give the poor girl a break," Lucy said looking annoyed but amused.

"I can't help it...if someone wants to meet me I must please," Loke said shrugging.

"helpless romantic" Lucy sighed shaking her head as she sent him back to the spirit world.

"Oh my.he is hot!" artimis said as soon as he was gone.

"maybe he will bug you more often then instead of me," Lucy said.

"hmmm.....wanna hand over the contract," Artimis asked teasingly causing Lucy to laugh. "im kidding" she added as she sat back in her seat. "I'm hopeless," She said with a sigh.

"why do you say that?" Lucy asked.

"I just...I don't know." Artimis replied looking down. *Artica...I miss you* she thought with a saddened sigh.

"who is Artica?" Lucy asked looking at her curiously.

"Hm...I said that out loud?" Aritimis asked.

"yeah...soo...who is it?" Lucy asked.

"she...sorta raised me" Artimis replied as she crossed a leg over the other.

"is she?" Lucy started to ask.

"she disappeared 7 years ago," artimis said closing her eyes tightly.

"seven years ago?" Lucy gasped in alarm.

Artimis gave a nod.

"you aren't...I mean...was Artica....was she a..." Lucy asked.

"dragon" Artimis looked up at her. Artimis's eyes were red.

"YOU'RE A DRAGON SLAYER!!!!!!" Lucy exclaimed causing Artimis to jump startled.

"you have heard of a dragon slayer?" artimis asked.

"uh yeah I know like three of them," Lucy said.

"THREE!?" artimis exclaimed. her eyes were wide.

"yeah, Natsu is one of them" Lucy explained.

Artimis jumped up quickly. "I have to talk to him!" she said as she ran out of the apartment forgetting that she was currently in her nightgown.

"wait! Artimis your clothes!" Lucy called after as she ran after her towards the guild hall.

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