chapter 32

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The next day found the team at the air port very early in the morning.

"I wish we could have talked to Ice before we left" Lucy said with a saddened sigh. They were currently waiting in line to get on the plane.

"She was busy" Artimis said with a sigh as she held onto a carry on pet bag that currently held Crystal, who was curled up sleeping, along with all three cats.

"She was busy" Artimis said with a sigh as she held onto a carry on pet bag that currently held Crystal, who was curled up sleeping, along with all three cats

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"I wish she was coming with us" Wendy said sadly.

"Wish who was going with who?"

The team turned around and saw Ice standing there.

"Ice!?" They exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" Artimis asked puzzled.

"You didn't honestly think I was going to let you go that easily did you?" Ice asked raising an eyebrow.

"I...we..." Artimis started to say.

"We were going to ask you to come with us, but we couldn't find you earlier" Lucy explained.

"Well I am here now" ice said as she flicked her hair behind her and held up a ticket for the same flight. "Scorpius couldn't wait to get rid of me" she said.

Artimis looked at her as her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. She was sure that's not true. He had an issue with her sure...but Artimis doubted he wanted to get rid of her like she thought.

"Great! Lets go!" Natsu said, however he suddenly remembered his motion sickness and groaned. "On second thought...let's not" he added. Gajeel scowled but silently agreed with natsu.

Artimis sighed and looked up at Laxus. She had been hoping to strengthen their bond with each other over the trip. Laxus had taken up the habit of holding her more often, but they rarely talked.

Artimis sighed and they walked into the plane after handing over their tickets. She had almost asked Scorpius to use Mathias or a portal to go back to Fiore, but didn't want to push it. He had already done a lot for them as it was. Like getting them upgraded to first class!

Artimis watched as Ice sat down in a seat that was on the opposite side of her. 

"here" Ice spoke up pulling out a vile and hands it over to Natsu who looks like he was going to be sick. 

"what's that?" Erza asked looking at the vial curiously. 

"Helps with motion sickness" Ice said as Natsu perked up and snatched the vial from her and downed the entire contents. Ice rolled her eyes. "dragon slayers" she muttered as she handed a vial to the rest of the dragon slayers. 

Laxus however refused the vial handed to him trying to be the bad ass he is. Artimis rolled her eyes and sat back as the plane took off. 

"this would have come in handy during the grand magic games." Gajeel said still annoyed by the fact that the motion sickness got to him. 

"grand magic games? what is that?" Ice asked curiously looking over at them. 

"it was a competition that we joined. it basically shows who is the strongest guild" Lucy explained. 

"it was going great too until the dragons showed up attacking everyone" Wendy spoke up with a sigh. 

Ice's eyes widened. "dragons!" she gasped out. 

"they were brought in by some sort of magical gate way" Grey explained. 

"The princess decided to dabble in things that she didn't understand, and because of that she nearly got us all killed" Artimis said with a scowl. 

"Artimis...she was just doing what she thought was best" Lucy said looking over at her sister. 

artimis rolled her eyes.  "i told her what would happen and she didn't believe a damn thing i told her. she went and opened that stupid gate anyway" artimis growled. Ice sat up. 

"what gate?" Ice asked quickly. 

"That time traveling gate that brought the dragons into the future" Wendy explained as she looked up at Ice.

Ice stared at her with wide eyes. "What the hell would they open that for?!?!!" She exclaimed.

Artimis scowled as she leaned in to Laxus unconsciously.

"She was tricked by a man named rouge" Lucy explained. Artimis closed her eyes while the group explained everything to Ice.

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