Chapter 15

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Wendy and Shelia's fight had ended in a draw. Everyone was back at the inn and have a victory party. Artimis watched everyone happily seeing that everyone was in a good mood.

"We made one hell of a comeback," artimis said amused as she watched some people of the guild barrel surfing.

"those morons" Laxus muttered watching the barrel surfing.

Artimis looked over at Laxus biting her lip nervously. the fight between Luxas and Raven tail had her on edge. And mirajanes words hadn't helped either.

'it's so obvious' mirajane's voice echoed in her mind.

*there is nothing going on between us* Artimis thought as she looked away with a scoff. she took her cup and downed the drink from the mug.

she stood up and shakily walked up the stairs towards the room that team B was staying in. she sighed as she walked into the room and fell over on the bed. *the only bad thing about this tournament...we don't get our own rooms.* she thought annoyed as she heard the door open.

"done with the party?"

"go away laxus" Artimis mumbled into her pillow.

"hey it's my room too you know," laxus said with a smug smirk as he shut the door and walked over to his bed.

Artimis sighed and nuzzled into the pillow. she felt too exhausted to get up and change out of her clothes.

" that a tattoo?" Laxus asked as he saw the vines on her legs. he reached over grabbing hold of her ankle making her yelp and look up at him as he held her leg up inspecting the tattoo.

She looked at her legs and blinked a bit startled seeing the vine-like tattoo that was on her legs.

*why is that still there

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*why is that still there....shouldn't they have disappeared by now?* she wondered as she tried to sit up but was unable to due to the grip that Laxus had on her ankle.

"i um....they..." artimis said hesitantly looking over her body and found that the tattoo like vines was thankfully only on her legs and nowhere else as they had been earlier.

"they weren't there before" Laxus stated.

"it happened when i did that spell earlier...they should have left though" Artimis explained looking puzzled.

"why hasn't it?" Laxus asked looking down at her.

"i...don't know" Artimis replied looking away. *i can't do a simple spell right* she thought to her self with a sigh. she flinched a little bit. "ow" she whimpered a bit. "c-can you...please let go of me" she stammered out.

Laxus blinked a bit as he realized that he had hold of her and sighed as he looked away letting go of her trying to make it seem like he didn't care. "yeah well...whatever" He said pulling his shoes off. "im headed to bed" he said as he tossed the blankets off to the side.

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