Chapter 18

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Artimis found where a green haired girl and a man in white armor were at talking to each other. The tension in the air was thick. Artimis snuck through the shadows staying close enough to listen in to the conversation between the two.

they were out the side in front of the eclipse cannon.


"Arcadios it's you im so glad that you are alright" the princess spoke. Artimis made a face at her voice.

"Colonel please forgive me for throwing you into the dungeons. it was a misunderstanding on my part" the old man spoke.

*a misunderstanding my ass* artimis thought with a scowl

"you did as you thought right. i hold no grudge" arcadios spoke. "the men you have assembled here. have you already informed them of the eclipses secondary purpose?" he asked.

"i have" the princess spoke. "the rest of the Garrison is being informed of the plan as we speak hopefully word will reach the hungry wolf knights as well. the time travelers prediction of the games it came true. we have no choice we will switch to eclipse two. it's our only chance against what is coming" the princess spoke looking up at Arcadios.

Artimis's eyes narrowed. *i can't let them do this* she thought to her self tensing up.

"princess am i to understand that you have abandoned our original plans to go back in time and defeat Zeref?" he questioned. The princess shook her head.

"no, but right now, we have to focus on the more imminent threat" she explained.

Artimis froze. *another threat? wait...who is Zeref. what are they talking about?* she wondered confused.

The white knight looked puzzled and alarmed at the princess's words. He began pulling his sword and the princess gasped out tensing up.

"Colonel!" the old man exclaimed in alarm as the sword was now unsheathed. Artimis's eyes widened seeing what he was doing.

"a true knight must always trust his master's word. this is part of the code i have sworn to live by. I am duty-bound to put my faith in you which is why i ask you to slay me princess" Arcadios spoke calmly as he placed the tip of his sword to his throat.

*whoa calm down there dude. no need to go and get your self killed!* artimis thought in alarm.

The princess's eyes widened in fear and sadness as she stared up at him.

"since i cannot repress the doubt within me there is but one recourse i must die" Arcadios spoke firmly. "for i have dishonored you," he said.

"arcadios! have you gone mad" the old man exclaimed as he stepped forward in attempts to stop him, however, he stopped quickly as Arcadios sent him a firm glare.

"Princess there is something i must ask you," arcadios said after a moment of silence.

"what is it arcadios," the princess asked hesitantly. "what happened?" she asked trembling. "what are you talking about?"

"i have spoken with your contact that came from the future. that person clearly has no knowledge of eclipse two. they knew about the appending apocalypse but shed tears because they did not know how to stop it" Arcadios spoke.

"that can't be right. they are the one who gave me specific instructions on how to activate it" the princess spoke in alarm.

"so you are claiming that this person was feigning ignorance?" arcadios asked. "i don't see how that is possible" he added. "i cannot think of a single thing she would have to gain by lying to her friends," Arcadios spoke.

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