chapter 16

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the next day found Artimis sneaking out of the bathroom and sitting down at one of the tables there in the bar part of the inn. everyone had already left to go to the games. today was the two vs two. she was surprised to not see any of the fairy tail members in the inn.

Artimis looked around and sighed. *i don't want to sit here and watch these stupid fights* she thought as she stood up and walked out of the Inn. She walked down the streets looking at all of the different shops. she took her time at each one of the shops that she had stopped at feeling bored out of her mind.

She sighed a bit as her feet continued walking, however, she had stopped paying attention. that was...until she found her self in some underground cavern with a bunch of bones.

"what that hell?!" Artimis exclaimed in alarm as she stared up at the large bones.

she heard a loud crash and she turned around quickly to look over. "gajeel?" she questioned puzzled.

Gajeel looked up and over at her puzzled. "what are you doing down here?" he asked. his voice was as rough as ever.

"i just...i...i was exploring...and i ended up here" Artimis explained. "what happened to you?" she asked curiously.

"fire breath pushed me down here! we were in the middle of a fight too!" gajeel growled angrily.

Artimis blinked a bit and then giggled. "you remind me of someone" she commented.

"yeah, who's that?" Gajeel asked.

" previous leader's son" Artimis explained.

"Why do i remind you of some kid?" Gajeel asked staring at her blankly.

"i never said he was a kid," Artimis said raising an eyebrow.

Gajeel huffed and looked away. "we had better show Natsu and Wendy this," he said.

Artimis looked around at the bones. she sighed a bit. "yeah...alright" she replied as they began walking.

"Um. how do we get out of here?" Gajeel asked.

Artimis froze in place and looked up at him. " don't know?" she asked worriedly.

"how the hell should i know" Gajeel growled angrily.

Artimis bit her bottom lip nervously.

"which way did you come in from?" Gajeel asked.

"umm..." Artimis looked down hesitantly.

"what the hell!! how are we supposed to get out of here now!" Gajeel growled. Attimis flinched away from Gajeel and backed away from him.

Gajeel seemed to have noticed her actions and forced himself to calm down before walking away. Artimis watched him walking away and sat down trembling. *i-ill just...let him have a head start* she thought to her self nervously not wanting to be near him if he lost his temper.

Artimis looked up at the bones in thought. *i wonder what happened* she thought to her self curiously. *i didn't realize i had worn my self out so much* she thought as she began dozing off.

~"Artimis" a woman's angelic voice sounded. "Artimis my child wake up" the voice sounded again. Artimis rubbed at her eyes and yawned. "i don't want to" she grumbled and looked up to see a lady with long blond hair and a pink dress.

Artimis sat up with a yawn. "who are you?" she asked tensing up on alert.

"you know who i am Artimis" The lady spoke again. "and no i am not Artica. though she has done a splendid job in raising you" she added with a kind smile.

Artimis's eyes widened as she stared up at the lady. "y-you're Lucy's mother...ive seen pictures of you at her house" she exclaimed as she stood up shakily.

The woman's eyes seemed to have dulled as sadness washed over her. "yes. i am Lucy's mother, But Artimis...I am not just Lucy's mother" Layla started to say.

" are....were a powerful celestial wizard" Artimis replied. "but why have you come to me...why not Lucy?" she asked looking up at Layla confused.

"if you would allow me to speak a moment i will tell you," Layla said dryly. Artimis covered her mouth quickly trying to stop the millions of question from coming out of her mouth.

"I have come to you because you need to know the truth Artimis" Layla spoke.

"what truth?" Artimis asked in a whisper.

Layla sighed. Artimis could hear and feel the sadness radiating off of her. "Artimis. you are my daughter" Layla replied.

Artimis's head snapped up and she stared at the dead woman's spirit in shock. "m-my mother?" she stammered.

"yes, Artimis. i am your mother. and your sister and your friends are in grave peril. there is a must never be opened Artimis. you must promise me. you will do whatever it takes to not allow eclipse to happen" Layla explained quickly.

"what is eclipse? what will happen if it does happen?" Artimis asked confused.

"the world as you know it will be destroyed. Fire will rage and lives will be lost Artimis." Layla replied as she began to disappear.

"wait! how do i stop it!" Artimis exclaimed quickly.

"any means necessary" Lalya's voice replied as she disappeared completely~

Artimis's eyes flew open as she gasped for air. she yelled out in surprise to see Gajeel, Natsu, Wendy, Gray, and Lucy standing above her looking down at her worriedly.

"Are you just going to lay there and take a nap?" Gajeel asked with a growl.

Artimis sat up carefully looking around in confusion. "a nap?" she whispered. "i was asleep?" she looked around puzzled. "i...i don't remember falling asleep" she said looking up at them.

"When did you get here?" She asked.

"just a few moments ago" Wendy replied. "we thought we should wait for you to wake up to try talking to the dragons" she explained.

"talk to the," artimis asked quickly standing up.

"with the spell grandeena left for me," Wendy explained as she began drawing something on the ground. Moments later a large green dragon spirit appeared causing everyone to jump in alarm. Artimis felt a wave of nausea and fell to the ground unconscious.

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