chapter 8

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Everyone made their way to the arena. They were all pumped up waiting for the first round to start. Artimis was amazed at how many people had shown up. The fairy tail members were quite upset finding out Wendy and Carla had been attacked.

"oh wow. there is a lot of people here" she commented looking around the stadium. She walked beside Laxus and Gajeel as they walked up to their designated area.

"the Games are a big event," Laxus said.

"its where all the guilds come together and compete for a top place" Gajeel explained.

Artimis looked over at him. "what are" She asked.

"they vary from year to year" Laxus replied with a shrug of the shoulders.

Artimis gave a nod and looked forward in front of her as the announcer brought out everyone's attention.

"they don't seem to like you guys very much" Artimis commented hearing the crowd as the announcer announced Fairy tail as a competitor.

Gajeel smirked. "just wait," he said with his arms crossed.

"I am unsure I want to," Artimis said with a sigh and looked out. Everyone seemed surprised when Fairy tails second team was announced.

The last guild was then announced out to everyone.

a large stone came up from the ground.

"holey crap!!!" artimis exclaimed backing up a bit.

the announcer was explaining what was going on.

"we will now start out the first game. Hidden. please select your team member who will come out first" the announcer spoke.

A member from each team came forward as they were announced one by one.

Juvia and Gray came out onto the field for Fairytail.

a large town hologram appeared.

everyone began to chatter loudly seeing what was going on.

"whoa, that is way creepy!" Artimis said.

Gajeel chuckled beside Artimis.

"the players will be both hiding and seeking. once you find your opponent you must attack them. the one who lands an attack first will be awarded a point" The announcer explained as a light began to glow in front of everyone.

"what the?"

once the light died down everyone was shocked to see several of each of the players.

"now this is one messed up game of hiding and seek," Gajeel said with a laugh.

"THAT'S A LOT OF GRAY'S" Artimis exclaimed.

"what an idiot," Gajeel said with a sweat drop seeing Juvia bear hug a clone.

"this may prove to be difficult," Mirajane said.

"this wouldn't be happening if it was me out there," Laxus said with a scowl.

Artimis flinched when Gray was hit. she looked over to FairyTail team A and saw Lucy was staring up at some red-headed girl. Artimis looked up at the Redhead who looked as if she was something that should be locked up in some asylum. Artimis looked over at Laxus.

"hey aren't they the ones who attacked Wendy?" she asked.

Laxus gave a sharp nod.

their attention was pulled back to the games when all the participants were hit by a lightening looking attack.

"that guy is from Sabertooth?" Artimis gasped alarmed seeing the attack and watched as the game ended.

"let's look at the scoreboard" The announcer called

"just as we expected. Sabertooth claims the top spot. Both Fairy tails teams gave it their all but unfortunately it wasn't enough to keep them out of the last place" the announcer spoke.

Artimis flinched seeing the look on Gray's face as everyone began insulting fairy tail once again. she scowled.

Lucy was then called out to the field along with the redhead from before. Artimis's eyes widened. *oh no!* she thought horrified.

"be careful Lucy," Artimis said looking worried.

"don't worry. she will be alright" Mirajane said looking over at Artimis.

Artimis looked over at MiraJane. "that red-headed woman...I don't have a good feeling about this" she explained looking out at Lucy worriedly.

"Lucy is a lot stronger than you think" Mirajane explained.

"I don't doubt her abilities...I don't trust that red-headed woman not to do something or cheat" Artimis explained.

Everyone was tense as the fight started. Lucy first brought out Taurus and Scorpio.

Artimis jumped back alarmed as the Redhead used her hair to attack with Fire.

"Holy crap!!!" Artimis exclaimed.

Lucy combined Taurus and Scorpio's attacks at the same time.

She then summoned Cancer who cut the redheads hair only for it to grow back.

Artimis watched as Lucy was then brought up in the air by her feet, The redhead's hair was wrapped around Lucy's ankles. She was being thrown around like a rag doll.

Lucy kicked away from her.

the redhead looked startled but then got up.

Lucy's feet were burned and smoking. lucy pulled off what was left of her boots.

the redhead began trembling with rage. the two stood there staring at each other in a face off.

the redhead screamed out in rage as her hair went barreling down into the ground.

Artimis looked around quickly trying to find out what the redhead's plan was. she looks up and at where the guild was sitting. Her eyes widened.

"She's after the girl" Artimis gasped however she saw that Natsu was running towards the guild. *he must have figured it out too* she thought and watched Natsu hoping he got to the child in time. *please Natsu please hurry* she thought as he swerved through the crowd up to the guild.

Artimis was unable to move her eyes away from Natsu even as the sounds of Lucy's tortured screams sounded throughout the air.

"what the hell is she doing. COME ON LUCY FIGHT HER!" Gajeel yelled angrily.

the confusion and outrage swept through the crowd as the redhead continued to torture Lucy.
"Where shall I put your new mark hmm. Oh, I know you want it right over your emblem don't you" the red-haired woman said with a laugh as her hair shaped its self to Red tails emblem and moved closer to Lucy's hand.

Lucy squirmed trying to get free from her grasp as she pleaded with her, it was then the rest of fairy tail began catching on that something wasn't right.

"YES!" Artimis exclaimed happily as Nastu made it to the little girl and Burned the red hair threatening to attack her.


"heard you loud and clear!" Lucy called out as she was dropped to the ground. She pulled out a key and called out Gemini.

"Alright, guys. we are going to do the big one" Lucy said.

"but we haven't practiced enough for that" Gemini said.

"don't worry just transform into me," Lucy said.

"GO ON LUCY!" artimis cheered happily seeing the fire back in Lucy's eyes.

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