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Mumbo never blushes.

He's laughed so hard he fell over, he's cried over redstone not working, but he's never blushed. This has made him the target of the server's new favorite game.

The hermits spent a lot of time joking around together, which inspired them to make each other blush through any method possible. Later, they would share these stories together, taking pride when they can make each other flush in shame or amusement.

But Mumbo never blushes.

That's why, when Mumbo stumbled over his own feet, ears and nose bright red, it caught everyone's attention.

"Hey Mumbo, what happened?" Iskall sidled up, buzzing for the hot scoop.

"....oh nothing..." he mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.

"Aw cmon bro, you can tell me!" Iskall persisted.

Mumbo simply shook his head, quickening his pace. Iskall slowed down, letting Mumbo head off on his own.

Cleo stepped out of the slime shop, peering down the road. "Who managed to do it? Grian?"

Iskall shrugged. "Dunno, he wouldn't say."

Down the street, Scar glided to a stop next to Mumbo. The two chatted for a second, and then split ways. Doc, who had joined Iskall and Cleo, beckoned Scar over.

"Did he tell you what happened?"

Scar adjusted his hat to block the setting sun. "No, what happened?"

"Aw, we thought he told you. What did you talk about then?"

"Well, he's feeling a little sick, so I suggested he visit Stress! She helped me a while back, so I figured.." The trio simply stared at Scar, who shifted nervously under their gaze. "What?"

"Are you kiddin' me!?" Iskall threw his hands up. "I wanted to be the first, not some.. sickness!"

"I know you guys are invested in your fun game, but Mumbo's sick! Go help him out or something!" Scar chuckled and took off, gliding into the sunset.

"He's right you know. We should probably make sure Mumbo's feeling alright." Doc conceded.

"I'll stop by later, I might be able to find him a gift." Cleo said her goodbyes and strolled off.

"I'll visit later too, I was headed to a meetup with Tango." Doc headed his way as well.

"I suppose I ought to make sure he makes it home tonight." Iskall smiled, shaking his head.

He trotted the direction Mumbo had headed, enjoying the beauty of the shop lights at night. As he turned the corner, he met a pitiful scene.

Mumbo sat in the middle of the road, elytra and suit coat dropped behind him. He was terribly pale now, and his eyes watered as he looked up at Iskall.

"Mumbo Jumbo, you spoon! Where were you heading in this condition?" Iskall laughed, covering up his concern as he folded Mumbo's coat nicely.

Mumbo sniffed. "...nuffin.... headin to Stress...."

Iskall shook his head. "Hon, it's in the opposite direction. Here, let's fly over together."

Iskall helped Mumbo equip his elytra, but as they tried to lift off, Mumbo was struggling more than usual. There were multiple bumped heads and rouge fireworks before Iskall called it off. "Alright, alright. Clearly you can't fly in this shape, so we're gonna have to sail."

He built a boat on the shore, and guided Mumbo into the boat with wobbly knees. Once settled, Iskall crawled into the front of the boat, allowing Mumbo to wrap his arms around him for support.

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