Ren "Lady-Killer" Dog

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"Hey MJ, whatcha up to?" Ren threw his arm around Mumbo, making him jump.

"Oh, hi Ren! I'm just doing some shopping, is all!"

"Well if you're not busy then, would you mind if we went out for a bit?"

"Out? Out where?" Mumbo held innocence in his voice, but his eyes widened anxiously.

"Oh, yknow. Around." Ren winked with a toothy grin.

Mumbo tugged at his collar. "Ah, that's- That's um..."

"Did you know your eyes are stunning?" Leaning in, Ren gazed deeply into Mumbo's panicked eyes.

"Thank you," His voice cracked. "Did you say you wanted to go somewhere?"

"You're my everywhere and everything." Ren slipped his arms around Mumbo's waist.

"I- I-"

"Ren, GET over here!" Iskall yelled as he ran over to them. "I can't leave you alone for two minutes!"

"Iskall help." Mumbo whispered.

"Aw, Mumbo, leaving so soon?" Ren stood on his toes, booping Mumbo's nose with his.

"Ugh, grossarooni! Let's go!" Iskall grabbed Ren, violently ripping him off Mumbo, who sighed gratefully.

Ren winked over Iskall's shoulder, mouthing 'call me' in Mumbo's direction.

Iskall shook his head. "I can never trust you with a potion again..."

"Hey baby, what's poppin?" Ren sidled up beside Cleo as they walked through the shopping district.

"Oh, just the usual. How about you, is the dojo coming along?"

"It looks fine, but not as fine as you!" Ren complimented with a wink.

"Oh I see, you got bored so you came to entertain yourself," she teased, making Ren blush.

"It's not entertainment! I just like hangin out with my friends, and I happen to be a little flirty about it! Nothin wrong with that!"

"No, nothing at all!" Cleo laughed. "You usually go after the other guys, did you need a change of pace?"

"Cmon, nothing like that! There's just more men than women on the server! Don't worry, I try to make sure everyone gets their fair share of the Ren Diggity Dog," he added with a wink.

"Of course," She giggled. "I understand; sometimes men are nice, but a sweet girl can be perfectly relaxing to spend time with in the afternoons."

"True true." Ren nodded. "Wait, like in a friend way or a partner way?"

She shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me."

"Oh kiff."

She snickered. "Kiff, huh?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that? Just getting in touch with my native roots," he pretended to be wounded.

Cleo just laughed. "Yeah, sure. Kiff, bro."

Hello my ice prince," Ren sang as he glided down next to Iskall. "How are you on this fine snowy day?"

"Eh, fine. The snow is messing up my build," Iskall huffed, glaring at the half-finished product.

"What a shame. Need something to take your mind off things?" Ren wiggled his eyebrows.

"Actually, yes." Iskall chuckled, shutting Ren up.

"Wait really? Like, do you wanna go shopping, or...?"

"Well, I was thinking something a little more... personal." Iskall leaned in with a grin, making Ren blush.

"I- Like uh, maybe we could go-"

"Why go anywhere when you're already here?" Iskall took Ren's hand with a wink, making Ren melt.

"I guess you're right," he grinned bashfully.

"So..." Iskall snaked a hand around Ren's waist, making him jump. Iskall leaned in slowly, until he felt Ren's uneven breath on his lips.

Ren simply stared in awe, face glowing red. Iskall leaned in slowly, and-

"OW!" Iskall dropped Ren on the ice, laughing hysterically.

"You should've seen you're face! You think you're so cool, and then-" Iskall fell over laughing, gasping for air.

"Ha ha, very funny. You got me good, okay you jerk?" Ren rolled his eyes with a grin. "I gotta go."

"Aw, don't go baby!" Iskall cooed, sending him into another fit of giggles.

"Jerk!" Ren called as he flew away.

You know chapter 69 had to be dedicated to the Ren Diggity Dog ;3

Love you, my little stars!

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