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"Bet he doesn't pull up in time." Ren peered down into Grian's base.

"Fine, bet he does!" Doc stared into the hole on his stomach, watching Grian's form grow smaller and smaller.

"Aaaaaand Grian fell from a high place?" Ren queued hopefully.

There was a moment of silence, and then the burst of a rocket as Grian shot straight back up, whooping and hollering.

"Ha! Got ya!" Doc hopped up with a triumphant grin.

"Aw, shaddup! What do you want?" Ren sulked. "A stack of diamonds?"

"Hmmm, how about..." Doc smirked. "We swap looks for the day."

Ren blinked. "Okay? That's not bad at all!"

"Alright, come out man!" Doc tugged at the borrowed suspenders. Ren's outfit was made for comfort, but it wasn't really Doc's style. He felt out of place in the impractical clothes, but it would totally be worth it to see Ren.

"I don't know if you're ready for this!" Ren taunted from behind the wall.

"We don't have all day, come on!"

Ren strutted around the corner, tattered lab coat fluttering. He had even snapped a pair of cheap sunglasses in half and taped one side to his face, mocking a robot eye. "Bro, get a new lab coat, this thing is mangled!"

"..you're not gonna..." Doc hesitated, confused.

"What, wearing no shirt? It's great man! So freeing, and the ladies love it." Ren winked as he showed off his abs.

"Are you kidding? This is stupid! ....I guess I should have expected that response..." Doc reprimanded himself.

Ren smirked, and bent over seductively, tying up the boot laces. "The Ren Diggity Dog can rock every look. I'll see you around man!" Ren hopped up and strolled out of the building, disregarding his wardrobe change.

Doc made his way to the Stock Exchange as quickly as he could. He would prefer if nobody had to see him like this.

"Wow, hey Doc! Love the new look!" Jevin looked up from the book he was holding, smiling widely as Doc's sneakers squeaked on the tile.

"I didn't expect to see you here Jevin, I ah, I need to go-" Doc backed out the doors, taking flight. He didn't know why he was so embarrassed, but he didn't want to be seen, especially by-

"Hey Doc! Is that you?" Scar smiled as he waved for Doc to land.

Doc considered flying away, but smacked into the pickle shop, falling to the ground in front of Scar. ".....hello." He knew Scar would be an absolute sweetheart about it, but he didn't want to hear it.

"Sorry I made you smack into the building! What's with the new outfit?"

"Ummm, a bet?" Doc gripped the rocket tightly, anxious to take off.

Scar giggled. "Of course! Sorry man, if it's any consolation, you look super cool!"

"Don't pity me."

"It's not pity, but okay. Well, i can't wait to see Ren! Bye!"

Doc gratefully took off again, hurrying to get out of the shopping district as quickly as possible. He flew to the best place he could image to hide out: Tango's base.

He darted into the grotto, running into the closest fairy house he could find. He sighed in relief. No one would find him here.

"Ren? Was that you?" Tango called, his voice echoing off the walls.

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