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Songfic challenge by FallenEclipse13! The song is called Lost by Illenium

It's back to basics without you now. I'm trying not to fall under. It's just so hard sometimes man, you were my life raft in a sea of confusion. I always focused on the little things, but you were more big picture. You told me I should take a look around. I did, and my whole world is burning.

I miss you, Genny.

"You about ready to get started?" A heavy hand on his shoulder startled Bdubs.

"Yeah, be right there." He closed his notebook, tucking it in his inventory carefully. That was the only entry so far, but he wanted to write a song about it.

"Welcome to hermitcraft season five everyone! We have some new faces with us this season!" Xisuma greeted the circle of hermits warmly. He was a good admin, just like Genny.

GenerikB and BDoubleO, friends until the end- until they started joining different servers. As much as Genny loved his friends, he was truly a hermit at heart. He promised to visit sometime, but Bdubs was already feeling lonely.

"-And we've also got the legendary, the man who needs no introduction, Mr. BDoubleO! He's now on hermitcraft!"

Bdubs snapped out of his trance. "Hey, every- Everybody silent for one moment. I would like to take a moment to apologize for my brother Pungence who used to be on this server, he's really bad at minecraft."

The hermits roared with laughter, punching him. Regardless of the server, everyone expressed excitement the same way.

"Alright, let's get started!"

Bdubs immediately ran off with Etho, Beef and Doc. He was glad there were other mindcrackers here, otherwise he might not have joined at all.

"Earth to Bdubs! What's up, man?" Doc waved a hand in his face with a laugh. "You've been distracted all day!"

"Ugh, I just can't remember all these new-fangled crafting recipes!" Bdubs growled in pretend frustration, bending over the crafting table.

"Hey, relax! You can't even see what you're crafting if you're face is that close to it!" Etho pushed him away from the table with a laugh.

"Would you three stop foolin around and help me cut down some trees? We're not going to have a house tonight at this rate!" Beef called.

"Be right there!" Etho grabbed an axe, running over to help Beef cut down the huge jungle trees.

"Really, are you okay Bdubs?" Doc crouched down next to Bdubs, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you're tears are getting the crafting table all wet."

Doc pulled back Bdubs' shoulders, rubbing the tears off his face. His eyes and nose were red, and tears continued to fall down his cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"I'm better off, I'm better off, I'm better-"

"Hey, calm down!" Doc ran a hand through Bdubs' hair, pulling the stray hairs away from his face. "What are you better without?"

"It's better- better without Genny. It's time for me to breathe. I need to be- be my own person." He stuttered through the tears.

"Listen. You are an incredible person, whether you're with Genny or not. Me, Etho and Beef will be here for you, for as long as you stick around with us. Okay?"

Bdubs just nodded, collapsing into Doc's shoulder. "Thank you..." They hardly sat like that for a moment before Bdubs was asleep, face serene again.

"I hope you can find yourself, Bdubs. A lot of people care about you."

Dear nHo,

Thanks for everything this season! It was so fun to meet new people and have new adventures on this new server! Unfortunately, even after all this time, I'm still gasping for air. I've decided to go find myself. I'll vanish without a trace, but I'm better lost. I hope the nHo continues to rule after I leave.

Much love, BDoubleO

guys all these song challenges give me sad songs why do you do this to me 😭

Love you, my little stars!

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