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"Alright, I-" Grian smirked. "I call this monthly Architech meeting to order."

"Alright, what's first on the list?" Mumbo rubbed his hands together, ready to get started.

Grian and Iskall looked at Mumbo, then looked at each other. They shared a look, but Mumbo couldn't quite decipher what it meant.

"Yeah Grian, what's up?" Iskall asked with almost too much enthusiasm.

"Ahm," Grian cleared his throat, burying his nose in his list. "First, Sahara."

"Building is almost done!" Mumbo cheerily pointed out.

Iskall completely ignored him. "I've built us a small office and vault, and hopefully the secretary I hired is good." Iskall winked, making Grian and Mumbo laugh.

"Oh, fantastic. What was her name again?" Mumbo sighed and wiped a tear.

Iskall and Grian shot him a glance, before returning quickly to the paper. "Up next. The Jangler."

"I haven't heard anything, but Baker Street is sure lookin good!"

Grian and Iskall laughed, and Mumbo laughed louder than them. He froze mid-laugh when they stared, realizing how loud he was. "Sorry. Just- Just wanted to be heard," He muttered, ashamed.

"Anyway. The Jangler case is suspended until they strike again, so let's move on. Finally, let's talk about the elephant in the room."

Iskall and Grian slowly turned to Mumbo. The tears pricked at his eyes. "...Did I do something...?" He whispered, voice hoarse from emotion. Were they kicking him out? Had he done something? Mumbo flicked his nervous lever.

There was a flash of guilt in Grian's eyes, and then the two burst into laughter. Iskall wiped his tears and Grian gasped for air. Mumbo swiped at his own tears, confusion setting in.

"Oh- you should have seen your face!" Iskall cackled and fell out of his chair.

"You should still see your face!" Grian pulled his phone out of his pocket and tossed it to Mumbo, who fumbled to catch it.

His fear turned into confusion. "Wha- HUH?" Mumbo patted his mustache, which was now a delightful cotton candy pink. The tips of his hair were also pink, and not too terrible in his opinion. "What on earth?"

"We- We got Stress and Cleo- to dye your hair last night! April fools!" Grian squeaked through his laughter.

"It hurt my chest to not laugh all morning!" Iskall dragged himself back into his chair.

"I can't believe you guys..." Mumbo ran his finger through his hair, smiling slightly. "You said Stress did this?"

"And Cleo, yeah."

"Huh... Maybe I'll try blue next time..."

Ey! A lil April Fools bit! It's not much but HollieBety mentioned this idea on the Discord and I thought it was delightful 😂😂

Love you, my little stars!

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