What's an 'earth'?

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"Alright, you ready?" Joe adjusted his mic in front of his mouth.

"I've been recording for the last ten minutes." Cleo's smug voice came through his earbuds.

"What? That's against the law, I didn't know you were recording me!"

"Ha! Do you want to do the intro?"

"Sure." Joe took a deep breath, getting ready to start the episode, when Corinne's head poked in the door. "Oh hi Corinne! Would you like to say hi to Cleo?"

"Yeah!" She ran over to the computer, tripping and spilling Joe's waterbottle across the desk.

Joe reacted quickly, snatching up the waterbottle before too much spilled out. "Oh my! Will you grab me some paper towels from the kitchen, love?"

"Everything alright over there?" Cleo asked, concerned.

"Yeah, just a small spill. Oh, gimme a sec, I don't want it to reach the computer." Joe went to move the computer, but the water reached it at the same time, sending a small jolt up his fingers. "Ack! Oh, thank you Corinne." He mopped up the water quickly, averting disaster. "Alright, I think I cleaned it up before anything got ruined."

"Perfect! You ready?"

"Hooo, dizzy spell, one sec." Joe leaned back in his chair, shutting his eyes. It felt like his brain was spinning, and he felt a headache coming on. "Okay, I think I'm good. Let's make this a short episode." He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

"Gosh, longest intro ever." Cleo teased.

"Alright, alright, here we go." Joe took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and- "Huh?"

"Oh what is it now?" Cleo rolled her eyes, plopping down in the grass.

"But you're- and I'm-" Joe patted himself, certain it wasn't a dream. "This is Minecraft!"

"Well yeah, where else would we be?" Cleo picked a flower from the grass, twining it into her flower crown.

"Earth! Earth is where we should be!" Joe cried, jumping to his feet.

"What's an earth? Is it part of the new update? I didn't know that!"

"No no no, hold on. Why do you not remember? I was speaking with Corinne, when she spilled my water, and then we were attempting to record a new episode!"

"Episode? Who's Corinne?"

Joe froze. "Corinne. My daughter."

"What!? Who's the mother, how did I not know this!?" Cleo leapt to her feet, holding Joe's shoulders, but he was lost in his mind.

"Nonono, this cannot be- I must adjourn to my home, I need to leave, Corinne-" Joe pried himself from Cleo's grasp and scrambled down the grassy hill.

"Joe, come back! You need to lie down!" Cleo sprinted after him, tackling him in a restraining bear hug. "I'm taking you straight to Stress, she's really good at healing."

"No, I need to go home! Let me go!" Joe squirmed and kicked, but Cleo held him fast, guiding him to the nether portal.

They entered the nether, and Joe froze, staring in awe at the hub. "It's so much bigger from this angle..."

"It's always been this size, at least since it's been finished. Cmon." They stepped into Stress' portal, shivering as the cold air hit them. "Stress! We need your help!"

There was a clattering from somewhere in the castle, and Stress soared out one of the windows. "Hullo! Who's there?"

"It's me and Joe, he's not feeling well!" Cleo ran to meet her as she landed gracefully on the ice.

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