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Prompt by JustNotBothered!

"I wasn't the one who threw a jacket potato in the machine now, was I?" Iskall growled.

"Well I wasn't the one who miscounted how many shulker boxes we needed! I hunted for days Iskall, and you didn't even use them!" Grian cried.

"Yeah, well maybe if you learned some basic redstone you could figure how many boxes we needed yourself!"

"Maybe you could learn basic maths!"

"Shut up!"

"No! You're not the boss of me!"

"Well you're not the boss of me!" Iskall stalked across the room, forcing Grian to back up.

"Oh yeah, then why am I the CEO?" Grian grinned with a glint in his eye.

"Shut up!" Iskall shoved Grian a little too hard, and the smaller hermit tumbled out the open window with wide eyes. His scream was cut off as a death message popped up, announcing his death. "Oops."

Mumbo stood, his chair scraping loudly. "Iskall, look what you've done! You and Grian have been fighting for weeks now, and it's led to physical violence! Why can't you just get along so we can actually run our business?" Mumbo yelled, tears forming in his eyes.

Iskall backed away slowly, startled by Mumbo's rage. "I- I didn't think-"

"Exactly! You never think! I might as well be running this store by myself! Get out!"

Iskall happily accepted, flying out the window as quickly as he could.

Mumbo sighed, swallowing his tears. Alone in the meeting room. Again. He stood silently for a few minutes before breaking out of his melancholy.

Mumbo glided down into the ordering room; maybe talking to some other hermits could distract him. He waved to Impulse, who was waiting for his order.

"Hey man! You look exhausted, are you good?"

Mumbo shrugged. "It's a little more stressful running a business than I thought it would be..."

Impulse nodded with an understanding smile. "It's the other two boys, huh? I know how that goes. Sometimes you just need to trap them in a room and force them to get along!" Impulse laughed. "Well, good luck man, get some rest!"

Impulse walked out, and Mumbo began to think. At this point he was willing to try anything. His legs carried him back home without his realizing, and he quickly set to work.

Gathering supplies from his base, Mumbo was left to his thoughts, and he couldn't help but think about Iskall and Grian. Their banter had started playful, but it was getting out of hand without them realizing. He hoped it was just stress from other projects catching up to them. He wasn't sure what would happen if two-thirds of the Architechs couldn't stand each other any more.

It was all going to be okay though. Mumbo could fix it, he could fix anything! With this new plan, he knew he could make everyone get along again.

He had to.

Mumbo sighed, sitting up in bed. He'd been working on his secret project for over a week, and he hated every second of it. It wasn't like the project was difficult, but every time he worked on it, he thought about Grian and Iskall.

He hadn't seen the two since he kicked Grian out of his base a week ago. He hoped Sahara was running alright without his help.

He dragged himself out of bed, groaning as his joints complained. He pulled on his shirt slowly, then sat on the edge of his bed for a while. He couldn't seem to muster the will to stand up.

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