Karaoke Night

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"Are you guys ready to get schooled?" Ren sassed loudly as he set the microphone on the stage.

"You wish!" Doc called back from the door of the studio, greeting hermits as they came in.

"Ha! You guys are going down!" False yelled from the ladder where she was setting up some speakers.

"Alright, is everything ready?" Cub strolled into the room, commanding everyone's attention.

"Yep! Just waiting for Scar now!" Ren saluted in greeting.

"Perfect!" He glanced over the decorations in the ConCorp studio, a small smile growing. "Perfect."

"They're on their way!" Cleo whispered urgently, sending everyone into a frenzy. Hermits dove under tables and hid around corners, hidden in five seconds flat.

"No, that's how it's supposed to look!" Scar's voice drifted around the corner.

"I'm not sure, it looks like someone messed it up.." X lied convincingly. Being a partner in the business, it was agreed Xisuma could be a convincing distraction, to lure Scar to the ConCorp warehouse.

"Look, I'll show you-" Scar rounded the corner, freezing at the strange banners and balloons scattered about the room.

"SURPRISE!" His friends appeared from nowhere, cheering and smiling.

Scar stumbled back into X's arms. He was stunned for a moment, and then grinned widely. "I can't believe I forgot what day it was!"

"Can we sing the song already? I want cake!" Iskall rubbed his hands together.

The group struck up a rough rendition of the happy birthday song, out of key but full of heart. Cake, made kindly by Cub, was passed around until everyone had a big slice. Small conversations sparked up around the studio, and the room was filled with the sound of clinking silverware and laughing. Someone seemed to have tossed a potion into the fruit punch, so a few hermits (Ren and Iskall) were starting up a drinking game.

Finally, as the sun began to set, the hermits settled in their seats for the main event. Cub tapped the microphone, making everyone cringe and chuckle.

"Thank you all for coming out tonight! It's always fun to celebrate birthdays with you all! Now, as is tradition for Scar's birthday, it's time for the karaoke battle!"

Cheers rang out, and Ren punched Iskall, making him yell.

"We'll draw names, and everyone who wants to sing can compete for the grand prize!" Cub displayed a vex-blue shulker box, gaining everyone's attention. "First up, Ren!"

Ren pumped his fist as he ran onto the stage. He quickly flicked through the list of songs on Cub's phone, grinning as he picked one. The lights dimmed as the music kicked in.

I don't wanna write the whole song and stuff, so I'll just give you the name and you have to look it up coz I have eccentric taste sksk

Legend (from beat saber)

Everyone cheered as Ren panted, having fully invested in his choreography. Ren jumped off the stage, high-fiving everyone as he ran past.

"Next up, Python!"

"Oh, I dunno..." Python made excuses all the way up the stage. He muttered to himself as he picked a song, and smiled apologetically as he began to sing.

Nobody Likes the Opening Band (idkHow)

Everyone cheered their approval as Python bashfully waved them off. He jumped off the stage, handing the mic to Cub, and scarpered back to his seat.

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