Welcome Grian!

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"This season we have one new face in our midst! Everyone welcome Grian to hermitcraft!" Xisuma announced, sending the large circle of hermits into thunderous applause. Multiple hermits ran up and punched Grian excitedly; a standard Minecraft greeting since the beginning of time.

Slowly a hush fell over the crowd, waiting to see what Grian had to say. "Hey guys! I'm super excited to join you! I've known Mumbo for years now, and if all of you are anything like him, this will be a great season!"

There was clapping and cheering, but most of them just laughed.

"Alright everyone, let's start gathering materials!"

Everyone slowly broke off into their friend groups, chatting loudly as they cut down trees and planted crops in the designated town center. Grian still hadn't met nearly anyone- he was friends with Mumbo, who had talked about Iskall every so often. He also knew Xisuma somewhat well, since he was the one who invited Grian to join. Other than that, Grian was a stranger.

He spotted a pair of men laughing loudly, one grey and bearded, and the other freckled with a cowboy hat. He glanced over, finding a trio shoving sheep into a pen. One wore tacky shorts and crocs, another had wild golden hair with large combat boots, and the last had curly blond hair with sparkling purple eyes.

In the bay a red creeper, a robotic creeper and a handsome man in a red shirt boated around, yelling at each other. Across the bay, the three girls had already set up a cabin on the shore, chatting happily with an old, bearded man and Xisuma.

Finally, Grian turned his attention to Mumbo, a man wearing glasses, and a man who he assumed was Iskall based on Mumbo's descriptions. They chatted happily as they started a mine, hopping down the hole together.

Grian basked in the love he felt between the group, but it was almost overbearing. They were all so close, Grian wasn't sure who he could talk to. He was kind of depending on Mumbo to help him out, but Mumbo seemed perfectly happy to go mining with Iskall instead of him.

That was fine, though. Grian had been alone for so long, a couple more weeks would be nothing. Once everyone had starter bases, it would be easier to get to know people.

"Hold this!" Someone ran past quickly, and suddenly Grian was holding a large hat.

"CUB I SWEAR-!" The man whom the hat belonged to sprinted up to Grian, grinning breathlessly. "May I have my hat?"

Grian silently handed the hat to the man, wide-eyed.

"Thanks! The name's Scar, you're Grian, right?"

He nodded, clearing his throat. "Ah, yes! Nice to meet you, Scar!"

"CUB GET OVER HERE!" Scar shouted, making Grian grimace. "Cub is my best friend, and together we make the greatest company of all time- ConCorp!" Cub ran over, and the two posed back to back.

"Wow, that's so cool! How long have you run your company?" Grian attempted to engage in conversation.

Scar grinned, glancing at Cub. "Well... ConCorp is new this season. The ConVex however..." the pair burst into laughter. Grian chuckled, although he wasn't sure why. "Sorry, sorry. We'll let get back to whatever you were doing, sorry for bothering you!"

The wild duo ran off again, leaving Grian just as confused. What strange men...

"Grian, get over here!"

Grian jumped at the unknown voice, but a quick scan revealed that it was the attractive man in a boat. The red and green creepers had gotten into the same boat, and were also waving Grian over. "I need a partner!"

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