Baby Boo

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Etho rubbed his temples and straightened his headband. Why did the hermits insist on starting nonsense so early in the morning? Scar had just sent a wild text to the group chat, and Etho wasn't ready to deal with it yet. He was currently flying to drop off some glass at Bdub's base, but he risked a glance at his phone.

Scar: I might have had a magic maflunction and idk what it did?

Scar: okay someone is aged down, but ikd how old they are 😬

Xisuma: Everyone respond so we can figure this out please?

Etho tucked his phone in his pocket with a huff, ignoring the slurry of pings he was getting. He was just going to drop off the glass at Bdubs'- and maybe Beef's while he was out- and then he was going back to bed.

He touched down in the village softly, hopeful to be in and out before Bdubs woke up with the sunrise. He set down his full shulker box and set to work, hopping from house to house filling chests as quickly as he could. However, his progress was halted as he approached the final house and heard someone crying inside. Like, sobbing.

Etho dropped everything and bolted inside. He hesitated only for a moment before pinpointing the sound in the upstairs bedroom, and pounded up the stairs two at a time. He would kill anyone who dared make his friend cry, how dare they hurt Bdubs-

And there was a child. The child stopped crying in shock as Etho stood in the doorway in horror. The child had dark skin and darker hair, with brown eyes shining full of large tears threatening to spill. He wore a small white shirt and a red bandanna tied around his arm. He must have been 8 or 10 years old, but then again Etho was never great with ages, so he could've been 2 for all he knew. It was obviously Bdubs; he was the one that had been hit with Scar's rouge magic.

Etho: Bdubs is a kid, he's in the village

Xisuma: I'll be there in a few minutes; thank you Etho!

Etho turned his attention back to the small Bdubs, who was watching him with wide eyes. "So, do you talk?"

Bdubs hesitated, but nodded.

"Do you remember me? I don't know how this magic stuff works..."

Bdubs gave a toothy grin at that, revealing a chipped tooth. "Uncle Etho!"

Etho heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay, nice. Don't worry buddy, we'll have you fixed soon. Are you feeling alright?"

Bdubs frowned in deep thought. His profound child thoughts seemed to upset him again, and he sniffled as tears returned to his eyes. "Hungy..."

"Right, uh, no need to cry," Etho placated. "Let's go get you some food."

Etho did not consider himself a kid person. He hadn't dealt with many children in his life, and he just couldn't understand their broken English. Plus, they cried about everything, and he didn't know how to handle that. He was really thankful that Xisuma was on his way to fix this, but when Bdubs grabbed his finger to waddle down the stairs, Etho had to admit it was pretty cute.

Maybe cute, but also very strange, since he and Bdubs had been friends for nearly seven years at this point. "Okay kiddo, what are you hungry for?"

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