Love Languages -5

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Rain pounded down on Cleo, chilling her bones and making her clothes cling to her body. She shivered, but continued work on her kraken.

A bolt of thunder struck the ocean, singeing the air and making her face tingle. Soon after, Doc streaked across the sky, wielding his trident confidently. Cleo waved, catching his attention.

"Well hello! What are you doing in this weather?" Doc laughed as he landed on the head.

"Just getting some tedious work done, that's all!" She displayed her shulker boxes of concrete wearily.

Doc simply stared for a moment, then stretched out his hand.

"What are you...?"

"Come on." Doc waved his hand, beckoning Cleo to take it. Confused, she took it, which sent a small smile creeping up Doc's face.

He dove off the creature's head, dragging Cleo along with a squeak. Luckily, she activated her elytra in time, and the pair skimmed over the choppy waves. There was little visibility in the rain, and her shivering was uncontrollable now. Doc dived towards the shore, ducking quickly into the Stax-4-Stax Tavern.

"You need to get out of the storm or you'll catch a cold," Doc stated as he shook the water off his elytra.

Cleo followed suit, and they set their wings by the door to dry. "Thanks for your concern Doc, but I can't let this storm stop me- I've got a lot to get done, and-"

Doc interrupted her, throwing a blanket on her head. "Come sit by the fire, you're soaked."

Cleo went quiet, shuffling over to the fireplace.

"Alright, you stay warm tonight, I'll see you around." Doc began to head for the door, but Cleo grabbed his arm. Doc was one of the stronger hermits, but Cleo could fight him any day of the week.

"Stay with me. You need to stay warm too."

Doc blinked, but slowly returned to the fire. They sat in silence for a while- Cleo was bad at telling time. She was often lost in her thoughts, like she was right now.

What was up with Doc? He usually enjoyed flying around in storms like these, but he seemed perfectly happy to sit with her. Happy being relative of course, the German didn't show emotion on his face very often.

"This is nice," he spoke softly.

"Yeah... I forget to slow down sometimes..." she smiled wistfully. Doc simply nodded knowingly.

Hours later, the storm gave way, revealing twilight shining through the barrier of clouds. The pair of hermits, now mostly dry, quietly nodded in parting, and flew their separate ways.

I'm not sure this could be considered a love language chapter, but Doc and Cleo are kinda strong and silent types. I figured they would like to quietly enjoy each other's company 💕

Love you, my little stars!

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