Love Languages -6

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"Hello!" Ren's voice echoed down the tower, bouncing off the concrete walls.

"Ello ello!" Grian's voice was muffled. "Please help me!"

Ren's elytra fluttered as they caught the breeze. He landed gently on the bottom floor, where Grian was hips-deep in a chest, head hidden from sight.

"Well this is an interesting sight! Not that I'm complaining," Ren chuckled.

"I can't get enough momentum to push myself out!" Grian giggled, feet kicking.

Shaking his head, Ren got serious, assessing how to help. "Okay. I'm going to pull you out, ready?"

Grian made a muffled sound and stopped kicking. Ren grabbed Grian's waist, and tugged gently. Grian squeaked, but didn't budge.

"Okay, on three, I'll pull really hard, and you push off the bottom of the box. Three, two, one, go!" Ren yanked on Grian as hard as he could, and the two flew backwards, slamming against the wall and sliding to the floor. "Yay!" Ren laughed.

"Thanks for breaking my fall, man!" Grian laughed with a sigh. He relaxed, fitting his head in the crook of Ren's neck.

"Yeah, well, my butt hurts, so you're welcome." Ren smiled. He wrapped his arms around Grian's torso, lacing his fingers between Grian's.

They laid that way for a long time. Grian fell asleep at some point, making small noises in his sleep.

"You traitor!" Iskall's voice made Ren jump. He quickly made sure Grian was still asleep, then turned to Iskall with a sheepish grin.

"He was stuck, so I helped him! And then, ya know, a dog's gotta get his sleep!"

"Yeah, it sure looks like you did," Iskall chuckled. "You're a real lover, Ren."

Ren giggled. "Yeah, yeah. You know about that love language thing that's going around, right?"

Iskall lit up. "Actually, I was just talking to Stress about that! She taught me there are five different kinds- I guess you already know about it, huh? Mister love master?" Iskall shook his head with a grin.

"Yeah, I'm definitely physical touch- obviously." Ren smiled as he ran his finger's through Grian's hair. This woke him up gently, and he yawned quietly. "Good morning."

"Morning Ren," Grian smiled sleepily. "Oh, and hello Iskall."

"Morning, sleeping beauty. I'll leave you two to it. Just be sure you're at my base by sunset for our project, Ren." Iskall waved and took off.

"How long was I asleep?" Grian rubbed his eye.

"A couple hours, I think. I fell asleep too." Ren's deep voice rumbled in Grian's skull, making him smile.

"Huh. This was nice."

"Yeah... Iskall doesn't like to do stuff like this with me." Ren shrugged.

"Well then, we need to do this more often. Not the 'getting stuck in a chest' part, though." Grian laughed.

"That sounds delightful."

They sat for a long time, talking about peaceful and simple things. Finally, the sun set, forcing Ren to reluctantly fly off, with their next 'date' night planned for next Tuesday.

Ren loves cuddles, but Iskall isn't very cuddly lol

Love you, my little stars!

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