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"Thanks for hosting another study session, Xisuma!" Stress called over the din. The hermits had pushed together four tables in the library, and the chatter was far too loud for a library.

"No problem! It's been a while since we got everyone together!" Xisuma stood, and a hush fell over the group. "I know semester finals are coming up, so let's stay quiet and answer as many questions as we can, okay?"

Instantly, seventeen hands shot up in the air, making X laugh. "Impulse, let's start with you."

Impulse sighed as he dropped his hand. "How in the world did John F Kennedy win the election against Richard Nixon? He was so much younger and inexperienced!" He cried, exasperated.

"Well I'm not an expert in American history, but I'm sure someone else can help you?"

Joe raised his hand. "It was the first electoral debates to happen on live television. Nixon looked like a rotting corpse, and Kennedy looked young and handsome, so they liked him better." Joe shrugged.

"Ughhh... Thanks Joe." Impulse quickly scribbled in his notes.

"Me next! How do you find the median with an odd amount of data?" Zedaph nibbled the pencil eraser in the corner of his mouth.

"I can answer that one." Xisuma stood over Zed's shoulder, pointing at the paper. "You need to put your data points in numeric order, then find the mean of the middle-most numbers."

"Like this?"

"Yep! Practice more of those problems and you'll get it a lot faster."

"Okay, can someone tell me-"

The library door flew open, and Ren and Doc strolled in. "Sorry we're late."

Everyone yelled and waved as the pair took a seat. "Glad you two could make it," Xisuma welcomed. "Anything you need help with?"

Ren yawned. "Nah. Just didn't wanna be cooped up in the dorm anymore."

"If I'm not here, you're bound to mess something up." Doc smirked.

Xisuma smiled wearily. "Okay then. Anyone else?"

"Uh, this isn't technically about the material, but..." Bdubs rubbed his neck. "My book is printed weird and I can't read this question. I think it says 'In the Shakespearean play Romeo and Juliet, hoo woo? Hoowoo? I can't read the rest..."

Ren snorted, sitting up. "What? Did you just say owo?"

Doc cracked up while the rest of the group watched in confusion.

"I don't know what that means, owo? Is that a word I should know? I feel like I should've learned it in class if it's an important term..." Bdubs scowled at his notes.

By this point Ren and Doc were wheezing. "He just- he said it!"

"I need Bdubs saying owo on video man! Say it again!" Doc squeaked.

Bdubs huffed, folding his arms. "I don't see what's so funny! Do any of you guys know what he's talking about?"

A couple hermits shrugged their shoulders, but most echoed a resounding no. This sent Ren and Doc into another fit of giggles, which pushed Bdubs over the edge.

"You guys are insane! Nobody knows what you're talking about, and we don't need your help! Just leave if you're going to be annoying!" He growled.

"Ooh, you heard him Doc. We need to leave before he transforms into a werewolf!"

Doc chuckled. "Yeah. Owoooooo!" He howled mockingly, laughing again.

Bdubs stood, his chair squeaking loudly. "If you guys are going to be jerks I'm leaving!" He snagged his book and stormed away, ignoring the calls of the other hermits.

"Was that too far?" Ren instantly turned to the rest of the group with concern.

"Nah, he's just short-tempered," Grian shrugged.

Xisuma sighed. "Give him some time and he'll get over it. Now, will you tell us what this 'owo' means?"

A couple more character notes!

-Doc is the kid that always corrects the teacher

-Ren sleeps through class and still gets straight As

-Xisuma hosts study sessions for everyone, but when Ren and Doc show up they answer most of the questions.

-Ren acts dumb to avoid responsibility

Love you, my little stars!

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