Slice of Life

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A college au idea!

"Hey G! You in here?"

"I was trying to sleep, whadda ya want?"

"My greenie I told you about is here, come say hi!"

Grian stumbled out of his bedroom, hair flying in all directions. He smiled sleepily as he greeted Iskall and the small freshman.

"Nice to meet ya, Grian! Iskall's told me all about you!" He had a head of fiery red hair, and his voice was high and excitable; a classic freshman in college. "My name's Python!"

"Another Brit, nice! How long've you known Iskall?"

"Basically forever I think?"

"We lived on the same street growing up, so we played World of Warcraft and crap," Iskall shrugged. "Found out he was going to school here, so I kidnapped him."

"Lit! Tonight's the perfect night, 'cause Zed just texted me. Party tonight at the Zit House." Grian winked.

"Zit House?" Python cringed.

"Yeah, Zedaph, Impulse and Tango pooled their money and bought a house. Now it's the perfect place for Hermitgang parties."


"That's what we call our friend group. There's like, twenty of us?" Grian thought out loud.

"Yeah, it's a blast. By the way, where's Mumbo? He's doesn't usually have class on Thursdays."

Grian grinned. "He got caught up in ConCorp's marketing scheme. They're going door-to-door selling their wares today."

"Who's ConCorp?" Python asked cautiously. Each answer only seemed to bring more questions.

"Scar and Cub. They've been best friends since before kindergarten, and they're trying to start their own business. It's actually doing pretty well," Iskall admitted.

Grian pulled out his phone as it buzzed. "Oh it's Mumbo!"

Mumbo: omw home, wanna get dinner tonite?

Grian: Zit party, u going?

Mumbo: Like rn?

Grian: come home, we'll walk together

"He should be here any second!"

Iskall threw an arm around Python. "Be careful Py, this guy is a total nerd. He might infect you."

"What? Cmon man, you're such a jerk!" Mumbo laughed as he appeared in the doorway.

"Mumbo! Cmon, we gotta hurry if we wanna be the first ones there! Remember what happened last time?" Grian scolded as the four left the dorm.

Iskall laughed. "I remember! Zloy and Pix put us in the newspaper for being 'fashionably late' and called us party princesses."

"Yeah, and Ren hasn't stopped kissing my hand since," Mumbo huffed, making Iskall and Grian roar with laughter. They continued to tell wild stories, some more realistic than others as they wandered down countless streets.

"Sounds like you guys have crazy friends!" Python laughed.

"You won't believe it until you see it, man. Enter, the Zit House." Grian pushed open the door with a flourish. It looked like it opened into another universe, with a huge couch, tv, kitchen and decorated dining room visible from the door. The lights were dimmed, with colorful spotlights dancing on the ceiling.

"Come on in y'all, you're the first to make it!" Zedaph's happy voice called from down the hall.

"Looks sick as always boys!" Iskall complimented as he closed the door behind them.

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