Irl and mc meet

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A messy followup sketch to 'What's an Earth'

"Won't he be startled?" Mumbo wrung his hands nervously.

"Well yes, but we don't have communication with this other universe. We're lucky we can even bring them here!" Xisuma explained.

X took Biffa's hand, sent him a glance, and then pressed the button. There was a flash, and then a figure collapsed on the platform, sending Mumbo's hands aflutter, nervously fidgeting with a loose strand of hair.

Xisuma nodded to Mumbo, who cautiously crept into the center of the platform, crouching over the prone figure.

"Are you alright, sir?" Mumbo rubbed his shoulder gently, making the man shudder and stretch.

"What happened...?" He groaned and sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. Mumbo couldn't look away, knowing that this was him from another universe. He had short blond hair and broad shoulders, just like Joe described. What startled Mumbo the most, however, was when the gentleman opened his crystal blue eyes, which pierced Mumbo to his core. "Do I know you?"

Mumbo blinked, realizing the man was talking to him. "Ah, sort of? I mean, yes, but also no-"

"This is the most bizarre dream..." The man shook his head.

"Well, no? This is real," Mumbo said with a small laugh, which made the man perk up. "I'm you, from another universe. This universe, in fact."

"That sounds like my laugh... and now that you mention it, you look like my Minecraft skin... Explain yourself?"

Mumbo perked up at the familiar name. "Yes! Minecraft! That's where we are right now, welcome!"

"I...." The man looked around, spotting X and Biffa, who waved happily from a distance. "Xisuma?"

"Hello Oliver!" X grinned.

The man, evidently Oliver, jumped. "How do you know my name? Am I really meeting Xisuma in real life right now?" He scrambled to his feet, sending Mumbo stumbling back as well.

"Have you never met my counterpart in your universe?" X's confusion and concern was palpable, but he shook his head quickly. "Sorry, let me answer your other questions. Your world is called Earth, as Joe informed us when he visited from your universe. This world is called Minecraft, and our small slice of chunks here is called Hermitcraft! I'm Xisumavoid, this is Biffa, and that is Mumbo Jumbo, your counterpart!"

Mumbo waved bashfully as Oliver stared intensely at him. "So that explains it I guess."

Mumbo blinked. "You're taking this surprisingly well?"

"You said Joe came here like I did, right? I'll play along for now, and I'll ask Joe when I get back. Oh, and call me Oli!"

"Well, now what? Would you like a tour?"

"Oh, I know my way around here, but I'd love to visit the shopping district in person!"

Xisuma and Biffa left the pair to themselves, and they chatted as they walked. Oli was entranced by the surroundings, but seemed to know who built everything.

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