Ren the Scaredy-Dog

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"Wow, that lightning must have struck right outside your door, Ren! Let's go check it out!" Doc ran out the door, ecstatic.

"Are you sure it's safe out there?" Ren peered out, shivering as the cool rainy air reached him.

"Yeah, it's great!" Doc turned his face to the sky, laughing as the rain hit him. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the weather vane atop Ren's house, causing both to jump.

"Doc get in here!" Ren hissed.

"Why? It's not like it matters if it strikes me, it's fine!" Doc turned back to Ren, frowning as he spotted the poor man.

Ren shuddered in the doorway, jumping anytime he heard thunder in the distance. Tears grew in his eyes the longer Doc stood in the weather.

Doc immediately caught onto his fear, running back into Ren's base and tackling him in a stifling hug. Ren hugged back tighter, whimpering.

Doc sat down slowly, allowing Ren to curl up in his lap. Doc stroked his hair, causing Ren to purr slightly, resting his head in the crook of Doc's neck. Doc continued stroking Ren until he felt Ren stop shivering under his arms.

"Have you always been afraid of storms?" Doc whispered comfortingly.

"Kinda. The dog instincts take over, so I guess so." Ren mumbled into Doc's shoulder. By now, Doc's labcoat was soaked in tears, but he didn't mind.

"Why have you never told anyone?"

"It's not that bad as long as I stay inside, but I think Joe picked up on it. He tends to stop by during storms, and helps me through it."

"Well, if you ever need someone to lean on, I'm always here. I care about you, Ren."

Ren smiled widely, curling up even further in Doc's lap. "Thanks Doc, I love you too."

And I love you, my little stars!

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