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It was nerve wracking. His face was hot, and his hands shook in a way he never knew they could. The case was heavy in his grip, like it was filled with all the ways this could go wrong. Iskall had never been more nervous in his life.

Well, that's not true. His first day on hermitcraft was pretty scary. All these big names, people he recognized from legend, but never dreamed of meeting. Xisuma promised they were all exceptionally friendly, and that he wouldn't be the only new guy, but the way False stared at him from across the circle made his knees buckle.

Xisuma clapped his hands, gathering everyone's attention. "Hello everyone, and welcome to the fourth season of hermitcraft! We're setting up base in the Mesa in that direction, so let's get swimming!"

Hermits began cheering and diving into the water without hesitation, beginning the journey to their future homes, and before long Iskall found himself alone on the island.

Or, seemingly alone. "Hey, wanna share a boat with me? I don't like swimming, haha!" Iskall glanced to the shore, where one of the other new hermits hovered over his newly-constructed boat. His name was Ren, as Iskall had discovered during introductions.

"Sure, why not!" The pair shoved the boat into the water and hopped in, quickly falling into rhythm as they rowed. They caught up with the hoard of swimming hermits, laughing as Xisuma watched them in jealousy. The ocean was expansive, but with everyone traveling together it didn't feel so long.

Iskall missed the water as soon as they pulled up to the shore. "Why are there so many mobs!" From there it became a blur.

Hermits scattered as skeletons shot over their heads and zombies shambled after them. Being in a Mesa on their first night left them without food or wood, and panic set in. Iskall found himself hand in hand with Ren as they fled the hoards of mobs, screaming and laughing as hermits died around them. Someone poked their head out of a hole in the sand, waving wildly to catch the pairs attention, and Ren was quick to drag Iskall after him as he dove into the small alcove. Once they were safely inside, the entrance was sealed up, plunging the room into darkness. As his eye adjusted, he realized there were already two occupants; Iskall recalled the red creeper's name was Python, but name of the zombie girl eluded him.

"Do either of you have food?" Python begged.

Iskall dug through his pockets, finding one piece of rotten flesh and two sticks. "Just a rotting flesh, sorry."

"I've got three! Here ya go." Ren tossed some of the flesh to each of them, and everyone ate up quickly. Iskall gagged on the horridly sour meat, but it was enough for him to start regenerating health for the time being.

"Thanks. I'm off!" The girl dug an opening, diving back into the fresh air of the night.

"Cleo, come back!" Ren cried, leaping after her. So that's her name, good to know. Cleo sped ahead, leaving Ren in her dust. "That's the last time I give meat to a woman!" Iskall and Python shared a glance with a laugh before darting after the other two, once again joining the group of fleeing hermits.

Iskall locked his eyes on Ren's shadowy form as he ran through the dark, hurrying to catch up to his new friend. False beside him deftly wielded her stick like a sword, deflecting arrows as she ran, but Ren was clearly not experienced with his sword. Iskall was too far away to help him as an arrow shot through the air, pinning Ren in the side of his rib cage with a cry. As he stumbled to a stop, Iskall managed to catch up, killing the offending skeleton and a nearby zombie before kneeling at Ren's side. "Can you walk?"

Ren twisted his torso, flinching at the movement, but nodded with a firm gaze. Iskall grabbed his hand, carefully helping the other man to his feet before continuing after the other hermits. Iskall defended Ren with his life, taking Ren's sword as an upgrade to his stick. Ren grabbed rotten flesh from the ground when he could, allowing them both to regenerate at least a little health along the way.

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