Shadow Hermits

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Based around mine-sara-sp's shadow hermits au on Tumblr! A hypothetical first meeting of Wels and the vex shadows

Wels had been on edge all afternoon. No matter where he went or what he was doing, it always felt like someone was watching him. He knew it wasn't Paladin, because he hadn't been summoned for over a week, mostly through laziness on Wels' part. Even when he was out at the mining mesa, it felt like there were eyes boring through him, despite no hermit being around for thousands of blocks. It was upsetting, and just about driving him mad.

Wels: Xisuma, I think there might be some glitches around

Wels: keep getting weird vibes :/

Xisuma: Hm, I'll have to look into it...

Xisuma: Anywhere in particular that's especially glitchy?

Xisuma: Wels?

Xisuma: Where are you?

Wels glanced over his shoulder, the phone tumbling form his fingers. He was petrified, eyes locked with the two pairs of blue eye sockets staring back at him- Avarice and Keloid, if he remembered right. Unmistakably unique from all the other shadows, the two vex's forms seemed to shift constantly, making them hard to look at directly. Their seemingly ever-present smiles were long gone now, and the anger flowed off them in waves. Wels was stunned silent- not that he had anything he wanted to say. They took a step forward in unison, seeming to relish the fear radiating from Wels.

"Where is it?" They hissed in unison, their voices piercing the silent air.

Wels gaped, unsure what to say and unable to say it.

"Where is the shiny?" They took a step closer.

"I- I don't-" Wels gasped, his knees trembling from the simple effort of standing. Something about these shadows was powerful and different than the others, and Wels hated it. Their energy was palpable, and it crushed Wels' lungs.

They hissed, static crackling and popping like the blue sparkles swirling around them frantically. "Tell us."

Wels slid down to his knees. "I don't know what you're talking about," he gritted.

The static grew louder, buzzing inside Wels' mind. "He knows, he knows."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Wels cried, clamping his hand over his ears. The static was unbearable, Wels hated shadows like this, especially the vex. It was too much, too loud, too-

If static had a feeling, it was the feeling of their inhuman hands grabbing him forcefully, yanking him to his feet. His arms burned cold where they held him, now forcing him to stare straight into their empty blue eyes. It took everything Wels had not to scream in agony and fear, knowing it would just anger them more. Despite being terrified, he forced himself to hold his wits about him. This was one moment he was grateful for his knight training.

"You give us the shiny, you have to." With that, they took off, dragging Wels with them. It was horrifying being carried to who-knows-where by these unpredictable and dangerous creatures with no one close enough to save him, even if he did call for help. Their shifting forms allowed them to travel faster than normal, perhaps even faster than elytra with the strange blue wing-like blades swirling around Shadow Scar in a frenzy. He couldn't control the convulsing shivers across his body, but he restrained himself from trying to call for help when he knew there was none. This must have been their plan, to wait until he was all alone so they could kidnap him. Why him?! There were many dangerous shadows to be afraid of, but Wels only had a genuine fear of the vexical shadows, for obvious reasons.

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