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Once I walked into Kaname's room I began talking say Kaname I'm sorry that had to leave that night. As I tried to say this my eyes started to get blurry but I still said I didn't know until my dad came to get me that I was going to leave. as I felt tears run down my face I said it was later that night that I found your note in my sketchbook saying that you need to talk and you'll be waiting for me.

Still crying I said so Kaname I asked what did you really want to say to me that night. I was silent for a few minutes waiting for him to talk but he said nothing. Just then I said well if you're not going to tell me then I guess there was no reason to talk then.

As I turned to leave I felt arms wrap around my waist and Kaname said I'm sorry Hannah that night I wanted to say to you that I love you. Kaname turns me and kisses me with so much passion.

I stood there lost in my thoughts well still kissing Kaname. I later broke the kiss and said Kaname I love you too but I'm only here for two weeks then I have to go back to that human school that I hate so much.

Just then there was a knock on the door Kaname said yes who is it. Takuma said lord Kaname is lady Hannah in there. I then spoke say yes what is it Takuma. my lady there is a group of girls here. their names are Ajay, ivy, andy, Zoey, and Aaliyah here to see you.

After he said that I push Kaname and ran out. I was by the stair when Kaname yelled you that happy for humans, I turn and gave him a hateful smile and keep walking.

just when I got to the bottom I see the group and they had boxes of pizza and a bag of chips and movies in their hands.

I walk down to Ajay and ask why they have come and what with the stuff. She said we came to see if you wanted to have a sleepover since the class doesn't start until Friday. I said yes follow me. we walked up the stairs and turn right to my old room, we all walked in I was shocked that they left it the way it was before I left.

that evening we just talked about how it was going to be. Just then I heard a knock. I said yes who is it? Just then rima and Ruka said My lady I'm sorry to bother but it is almost time for night class to start. I open the door and said I'm sorry but I don't have classes until Friday night.

they look shocked as I had five humans in my room. they then said sorry my lady and just as they were about to walk away when Zoey invited them to stay and have fun with us. I said yes stay we were about to watch some movies and I was about to ask aido to make us some popcorn. Aaliyah said yeah and we also have pizza.

Ruka said I don't know lord Kaname might be mad if we skip class for movies and food she turns and sees that rima was not by her anymore. And was sitting by Aaliyah with a pizza in her hand.

I laughed and said come on Ruka pulled her in and made her sit down then I called aido and he came running fast and said yes. I then ask him to make four bowls of popcorn. he said yes and ran away when I close the door. I then asked what they wanted to watch everyone said the longest rider. so grab it put the disc in and push play.

Ten minutes later there was a knock I said just open it just then Akatsuki and senri and aido walked in holding popcorn bowls I said thank you after everyone started to share a bowl and they left for class. halfway through the movie, there was another loud knock on my door.

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