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Once i got a little ways closer to the drom i pulled out my phone and called my driver and told him to take the car to the gate and there should be someone waiting there stay there until i come ok. He said yes ma'am.

I ended the call and ran towards the dorm and went to aido room. I knock and he open and said what do you want im still sleeping.

I looked at  him and you still want to know or not because the car and ready and zero waiting for us so hurry and change before kaname comes.

He closed the door and open it again and said ok lets go and we ran out of the dorm before we could make it to the gate kaname was walking back to the drom.

I told aido to hold my hands im gonna hide our present for a while we waited for him to walk by. Just as he passed we ran out behind the tree and headed towards the gate.

Once we got to the gate zero was waiting by the we rushed down the stairs and got in the car.  I told the driver to the hospital. He said ok and drove away.

It took about thirty minutes to get there once there kaname called me about five times I just let it be and went inside. One we got in I told the front desk that I was told come in and have a pregnancy test done.

She smiled and said ok and hand me a cup and said to pee in it and bring it back and she'll take it to the lab. So I took the cup and did as I was told and another nurse came and showed me to a room. She told us that it would take about thirty minutes for the results to be in.

I said ok and walked into the room and sat on the bed zero and aido got even more worried when the doctor walked in thirty minutes later. He looked at me with a every happy smiled and said congratulations your two weeks pregnant.

I started crying zero and aido were shocked. The doctor left after telling me to be careful. I nodded at every word he said. But when he left zero said so what are you gonna do now.

I looked at him and said I don't know and turn towards aido and said I guess you have to protect two then. Just then zero said what do you mean. I looked back at him and said last night I was talking with aido and once we got back to the dorm.

Headmaster and everyone said that hunters were looking for me and they saw them around the school. Zero then got mad and said ok were leaving now.

Once we got back to school zero didn't say a word so me and aido walked back to the dorm. Once we walked in kaname startes yell I looked at him and walked to the room.

He followed me very mad but I ran ahead of him and locked the door. I sat on the bed crying while he banged on the door. I looked at the door that connect to this one to my old room. just i was about to look a way i seen kaname walked in mad.

He pinned me on the bed and said where were you at? I looked at him and said I went out to do something. He let me go and said well next time have me come too.

I whisper quietly saying ok just then sieren knocked on the door saying that hunters are here and they want to talk. I looked at kaname said go see what they want he said ok but I'm not gonna let you stay only.

He then had seiren wake everyone up and have my guars wait with me while he talked with the hunters.

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