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I walked out to see him standing so handsome by the edge in his night class uniform. He walk to me and whispered i was looking  for you and you look so damn hot right now under the endless sky.

I then felt his hand move down my back and pull me into danceing with him. i just looked at his beuatiful brown eyes nver wanting to look away. I then lean in to kiss him but he pull away and said what do you want seiren.

I look to the right and seen seiren fall and said its almost time for us to leave. I then said seiren may you please tell my guards to wait for me by the front.

She then said ok and walked inside to tell them. Kaname then pulled me back to him and kiss my lips. I pulled away after a few seconds and said i love you but i wish to stay in my room tonight ok and walk back into the ball so i may meet with my guards.

I walked in and seen that takuma was talking with londo,jerel,and dangelo. i keep walkingmaking my way too the door when zoey and aaliyah stop me and said where are you going stay and party with us since it our last night here.

I then said sorry but im not leaving back with you torrow my dad came one day and i ask him to transfer me back here so if you don't mind i have people waiting for me.

They got sad and said ok, i said im sorry but you can still text and call me.then i continue making my way to the door. once i pass the last two students zero look at me and wave goodbye. i wave back and walked out.

I got back to the dorm and told senri and rima to wait out side my window after you change ok. they nod and left i turn to face ajay ivy and andy (The dorm was full so they stayed in my room well i slept in kaname room) I then said if kaname comes and ask for me tell him in sleeping. i ran and change out of my dress i quickly jump out of the window and started running to the old dorm with senri and rima following.

once we got there someone came running behind us. we turn to see zero standing there out of Breath he ask us what are we doing here. as i was going to speak ichiru came out of the dorm.

zero then pulled out bloodly rose i then yelled at zero and said stop im here to see and hear what my auntie has to say on why she never came to get me.

I turn and followed ichiru, we walk up some stairs and went to the right where a big room had lights on. i walked in and seen my auntie on a couch. I then ran to her becuase she looked like me mother.

She hug me and try to come my crying and ask why i have brought three vampire with me. I sayt up good and wiped my tears and said i need protection becuase of the hunters that are after me. I then ask saying why did my dad and mom never told me about you and why did you let me be raise by humans.

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