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Kaname and I were called the headmaster office yesterday and they wanted to tell me that I was going to be take and hidden somewhere safe but I said I was not going to leave so Kaname then stated that I will stay here in the dorm and only leave for classes and not leave for any other reason and so I have called you all here because I'm supports to choose my guards.

So I choose you guys to guard me expect for you Takuma. And also we are going to have new members apart of the night dorm but they are only half-blood. and when the time comes I'll make them full-blood.

so any questions. Takuma Then said yes why I'm I here if you do want me as a guard? I the said because I needed you by my side when I tell Kaname that I have choose my guards so you are just nothing but a Witness. with that said tonight I want Senri ,Rima to go with the new comers and get there things form the day dorm. and for Ruka,Aido,Akastuki you guy well take the first shift of guarding me tonight.

They agreed and I then stated that I'll also be with Kaname talking with headmaster about move the half-bloods out of the day class. just then there was a loud knock on the front door so I had Aido get it before they wake up Kaname.

He got scared when my dad walked in when he open the door. I got up and said dad hugging him, he then said hi to everyone and ask why they were here. I then said I just had a meet with them and it just ended so they were leaving to get some more sleep for class .

After they left dad then said why did you come back here. I said because AICM was invited to coming here and I then said Dad I really miss this place and I had to ask Kaname something. but that not why I ask you to coming. I need you to do a emergency transfer form AICM back here because the Vampires hunters found out where I been hiding these few years, so to keep me safe Kaname wants me to stay and before you say other wise  I'll have guards by myside 24/7 so I'm safer here then at AICM.

So please dad let me stay. after four minutes of silent he agreed and left with a sad but happy face. He then said I'll be back with mom so we can spin time with you on your birthday ok Darling bye I love you, I hugged him back and said Thank you dad and I love you too and that seem like fun.

Just then Kaname came down form the stairs. I turn and ask how long have you been wait. he just smile and said not that long, I walked to him and said I told my dad what going on and he agreed for me to stay here. Kaname then said that's good and we walked back up the stairs to get some sleep.

later that night everyone woke and did as they were told. Kaname and I walked to The headmaster office and told him everything and he agree to move the three girls he then hand me three night class outfit for them.

we walked out after the talk, as me and Kaname was walking back to class we ran into Zero, I look at Kaname and said go head I'll be in when I'm done talking with him, He gave me a looked and said wait here with you, I just sighed and looked at Zero.

He look at me and said so tell why did you choose them to be one of us. I then said to him that the vampire hunters are after me and he stood shock.
just then I heard someone running away. In my mind I said it's probably Yuki wondering why I was talking  to Zero. but I was then brought out of my thoughts when Zero so why would they be after you anyways, Just then Kaname then said why else they want to end the whole pure blood line. which the lead to a argument between Zero and Kaname.

They argue until the bell ring for the last hour of class, I then said ok let's just leaving the conversation here since there's no way your argument well help keep me safe. I then said goodbye to Zero before walking into the class room. A few second Kaname walked in and sat beside me. The last class went by really fast as we all walked back to the Dorm I asked Ruka If I can copy her notes since she always had a nice written she said ok.

Hey guys just a friendly reminder don't forget to leave comments about the book so far until next time bye

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