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The next evening ruka was helping me with my hair.Ivy was waiting for her to finish so she can do my makeup. 10 minutes later we were ready.

we walked out of the room where ajay,andy,rima,senri,and akatsuki were waiting for us. we walkedout the door and was making our way to the ballroom. as we walked pass the forest i seen a black figure run behind one tree.

I stop and ask who ever that is come out now. the person walked out and come to find out it was a boy that looked like zero so i ask who he was?

Aido then said my lady that is Ichiru kiyu. i stood shock and slowly said are you and zero brothers.

He smiled and said yes zero is my brother. and he said are you really lady hannah akashia the one that the hunters are after.

Yes im why do you ask. Becuase i was sent by lady shizuka to watch you and to help you when the time comes.

Why does lady shizuka want to help me? He then said she is your auntie form you dad side.
I was shock my what he said i said your liar my dad never had a sister if he did then how come she let me live with humans.

He the said Becuase she never want you to get involved with her problems. if you want to talk with her she is at the old night dorm.

I just stood there shock on what he just said. i mumbled to myself saying shes alive. i started to feel tears run down my face and then aido,akatsuki, and senri told him to leave before we have lord kaname do his worst on you.

he left and said just come her the rest of the story form her tonight and with that he left going into the forest. i sat there for a good 5 minutes telling everyone not to tell kaname that this happend. And before we continue to walked to the ball i ask Rima and senri to come with me after the ball. they just said ok.

once we got to the ball zero and toga were by the door zero looked at me in  shock on how pretty i look. as we pass zero whisper you look beuatiful and we need to talk later. i whisper not tonight i have other things to deal with sorry.

I walked in and told everyone go have fun and dont stand too close to me i dont want people looking and saying things ok. and with that i walked off to find yuki and sayori to see if they wanted to take a picture.

I finally found them and started walking to them when someone tap my shoulders and ask if i wanted to dance. i turn to find noah smileing really big. i smiled and said yes.

As we dance he said are you really with that kaname. i said yes he ask me out when we first got here. he then looked away and mumbled something.

I then sigh and stop danceing and said noah i now that you like me and want me to go out with you but i was in love with kaname since i left here. so im sorry that i never gave you a chance.

As i  slowly walked off he then said i know your a vampire. i froze and turn and said how. he then said i was sent by the hunters association to kill you but i never could because i have fall in love with you.

I then walked off still shock on what he just i ran to yuki and sayori and toke out my phone and said let take picture. we toke about ten picture. before zero said kaname was looking for me. i said ok and walk to the balcony he was pointing too.

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