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I woke up the next morning. I felt something around waist , so I looked up and there was Kaname sleeping. I laid there looking at how beautiful he look's when he's sleeping. Just then I remember that I was still working on my notes that I don't remember getting into bed. I just ignored my thought's and slowly moved to give him a small kiss on his forehead, but he moved and kissed my lips instead.

I look at him after we kiss and said how long were you awake. he smile and said good morning too and i woke up when you were just looking at me.

I just blush and got up and walk out of the room to change.I walked to my room but once i got there akatsuki  was standing out side and said there someone here to see you.

I said ok and walked to the stairs and see that it was angel and her gang. i just sigh and walked down saying why have you come. I got to the bottem and Angel said we know your secret.I just laugh and said what secret just then she ran and cut my face.

I started to heal fast just then another person ran and cut me. Just then i heared lots of people run i thought it was angel gang but  no it was my guards. aido froze angel and them in there spot.

angel then scream and said why are you helping her she a vampire.Just then kaname came and said i told you not to hurt there queen.

Angel said she not a queen. Aido then said thats where your worng, she is a queen she the queen of the night dorm. Ruka said and we are all vampires so so she queen of the vampires.

I looked at angel and said you thought i was weak and helpless but that was just for show. I stronger tgen i look so if i were i wouldn't even bother messing with me. just then Zero and Yuki came runing in.

Yuki then told us to release Them so i looked at aido and he  then melted the ice. Then angel ran to zeri trying to tell him that i was going to hurt her. Zero just laugh and saiid if sshe was going to you would be dead by now.

I laugh and told yuki to take them to headmaster and have them punish.for runing off with out permission.

After the little fight angel made her and her friends were sent back to aicm without any queation.

The next night as me and kaname were laying on his long couch. he told me that there was going to be a dance. beccuse tomorrow is the last day for aicm being here.

I looked at him and said welll have fun becuase i know im not going. just then kaname pulled out a box from under the couch.
It was black and had a small red bow tie on top, i looked at it and he told me to open it.

I look inside and pulled out a strapless black and red short dress. i look at kaname and said so does this mean i get to go, Yes you get to go but you can't leave without havig  you guards coming eith you.

i just scearm and ran out of his room and to tell ajay,ivy,andy,rima,ruka that im coming with them tomorrow night.

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