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The next evening I woke up I didn't feel good so I just stayed in the dorm. Kaname want to stay with but I told him no you need to be in class. He said ok and went with the others.

I stay in the room all night reading. when i was half way done with the book someone knocked on the door so i went to see who it was. once i open the door zero ran in.

I got scared and was about to scream. but zero said to be quiet then i heard yuki calling for him. I smiled and whispered are hidding because of yuki. he nodded his head.

I just rolled my eyes and just like that her voice went the other way. i looked at him said can i close the door now. he luagh and said yeah.

I closed the door so why are you really here. he looked at me and said so when you disappear after talking with headmaster so were you with kaname.

I told him yes i was with him and zero why do you care if i was with hiim. thats when he pished me against the door and he said because i still love you and i still want to be the one who cares for you.

I pushed him away and said zero im sorry but if i tell you this you have to keep quiet. he said ok what is it. i sight and looked at my stomach. zero i think im pregnant.

Zero just stood there shock and said hannah lets take you the doctor tomorrow just to make she ok. I looked up and said ok and zero if it true then keep quiet and let me tell kaname myself ok.

He said ok and just then kaname and the others came back. Kaname gave zero a mean looked and said what are you doing here. Zero said I just came to tell hannah the project is going.

I smiled and said ok thank you zero for filling me in but I think it's time for you to go. He said ok and walked out the door. Kaname looked at me and said so are you feeling any better.

I smiled and said yeah I'm ok and then I called aido and told him that i need to tell him something. He said ok lets go for a small walk then.

I smiled and said ok and we walked out the door and headed towards the water fall spot. once we got there he said ok what did you want to tell me.

I said if i tell you this stay between me you and zero. he looked at and said zero knows too. i said yes and that not the problem ok

He said ok then what is the problem. i looked at him and looked down at my stomach and said well i think i might be pregnant and zero knows and hes taking me to the doctor tomorrow.

He just looked at me and slowly said does kaname know. i said no i not yet. He looked at me and said hannah he needs to know what if the hunters came for you then what would you then.

I looked at him with tears in my eye aido i want to make sure first then if it is true then i don't know what i would do and if the hunters come then i well need all of you to help protect me and my baby.

He sighed and said ok but im coming with you guys tomorrow. I said ok he smiled and said lets go back now. i got up and walked with him back to the dorm.

once we got there headmaster and kaname were there with all my guards. kaname ran to me and said thank god your ok I looked at him and said what do you mean.

He said hannah there was hunters walking around the school and they were looking for you im just gald they didn't find you. I stood there shock i looked at aido before i fainted.

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