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  I study for about a good five hour and just as i was gonna put my books away kaname came in, and all the girl said kaname is it true that your gonna be a father.

kaname smiled and looked at me and said yes all the girls started crying the boy just looked at me, i grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom.

kaname ran after me and grabbed my bag. i just smiled and laugh because he ran into a wall. we walked back to the  dorm. just as we got pass the headmaster office yuki and zero and sayori came running up to us.

sayori said yuki just told her the news and she lightly hit me saying how come you never told me, i smiled and said i was plan to tell you guys at my baby shower but since you already know then there's no point of keeping it a secret.

She smiled real big once I said baby shower. She asked if she can help I said you would have to ask ruka because she the planner. She said ok and ran off to find her.

We all laugh and yuki ask if we know what we're having I said no not yet but tomorrow we have appointment so we'll know then, yuki also said that the was the first day of the program is tomorrow.

I said yeah i know i'll only be here for the openning then we got to go and i already told headmaster and zero we would like it if you can watch over the night class when we leave.

zero look at us and said ok and walk away, yuki ran after him while waving goodbye to us. i smiled and wave back. once we got to the dorm everyone was running around.

I stop aido before he ran pass us and i ask him why everyone is running around he said that ruka is having a party here tomorrow evening after he said that he ran to where he need to go.

i just walked up to the room because im too tried to talk with ruka about this, i layed down and fell fast asleep when kaname put his arms around me.

The next morning didn't start like other morning with me run to the bathroom but this morning kaname was up before me.

I smiled when i seen that he got up early just to make me breakfast before i have to go and help yuki with the program. he made me pancake with eggs and bacon with biscuits.

I smiled and said thank you and i took a bit but after i had one bit i couldn't eat anymore becuase yuki cam and told me that i only had three minutes to get dress and leave the dorm before the students get here.

i ran to my closet and put on my night class outfit and ran to put my shoes on but when i was gonna grab my phone and run out kaname took it and said no your not taking this.

I told him that i keep all my important stuff on there and that im gonna need it so i can remember to come back and change before we leave to the hospital.

after a minute i finally got it i had to kiss him just to get my phone back. when i got to the gate the buses were coming i stood by yuki and zero and just as i was gonna say something my phone went off.

I look at it and it was a message from kaname saying i was gonna get it when i come back i text back saying you have classes when i come back.

Just as i look up there was this wired boy standing in front of me just looking at me then this blonde said mori stop i think your scarying her, just as i was gonna ask who they were yuki said this is the ouran high school host club that we invide remember.

I said oh yeah well im Hannah and this is yuki and zero and welcome to cross academy the blonde boy smiled and said that he is tamaki and this is haruhi,kyoya,mitsukuni witch you can just call him honey and takashi witch is also mori and of course the twin boys hikaru and kaoru.

Hi guys im sorry that i didn't update in a while but i had to work and my work is making me tired but i well try to have another chapter done by the time i have to go back to school well until next time

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